Ok, so I’ve been reading a little a bout this initiative One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) which apparently wants to send laptops to every kid in the world. Now don’t mistake this article for me not wanting kids in other countries to get free laptops, that’s not what this is about. What it is about is where the fuck are these kids going to plug these laptops in. I mean isn’t Sally Struthers on TV asking for money to feed these kids and provide clean water? And this Organization wants to send them Laptops? Wouldn’t the $200 for the laptop be better spent on that countries school system or something a little more beneficial? What are the kids going to do for the internet, sit outside of the Nigerian Starbucks and steal the signal?
Am I just going a little overboard on how little I think these 3rd world countries are underdeveloped and impoverished?
I’m not even sure we could give every kid at poverty level in America one of these laptops. And why the fuck aren’t we focusing on just America when we are falling behind so many other industialized countries in Math and Science?
Again, I’m not against giving kids laptops, I’m really not. But if you’re trying to foster and encourage education across the world pay more teachers and make smaller class sizes and all that jazz. You give a kid a laptop without supervision and they’ll just end up playing solitare and going on Facebook, trust me, I have a laptop.
Note: I really didn’t go into the details of this cause, I’m sure it’s noble. I just think of those commercials with flies buzzing around little malnourished kids with rags for clothes and saying, “I don’t think they can eat a laptop.”