So I got pretty wasted last night again. My two buds and I barhopped for 8 or so hours yesterday. Spent some time in Tir Na Nog and the 90% to 10% Cock to Girl ratio and no room to breathe. Eventually we settled somewhere on south st. (Paddy Whacks) around 11pm for the long haul to 2am.
Things got a little out of hand when we befriended a group of girls and made the first floor bar the dance floor. Shots were being thrown around like it was some sort of contest. My friend and one of the girls had an irish jig danceoff. I had no idea he could do the irish jig up until then. I asked him where he learned it and he said it was an elective in college. Go figure.
Anyway the ugly lights came on and hijinks came to an abrupt end. There was a brief notion of driving to AC with these girls but that was decided against somehow.
We get back to my buddies place and everyone needs to eat so we raid the fridge. Ellio’s pizza, Pizza Bagel bites and Nacho’s were on the menu (no wonder it looks like I’m pregnant). So I put the first slice of Ellio’s in the toaster oven but it took awhile. So my friend takes the remaining two slices puts them on a baking dish and places them into the oven, apparently also sprinking some more shredded cheese on top.
So we’re eating the first Ellio’s slice and after about 8 or so minutes my other friend and I check on the oven while the guy who put the slices in there was checking on his dog. My friend and I notice that the pizza slices look a little odd, a little more white than usual as if there was no sauce on the pizza. Upon taking the slices out of the oven we realized that my friend had placed the Ellio’s cheese and sauce side down and then put extra cheese on the top (which was actually the bottom). I’ll admit I ate a small piece of it because I was so drunk I didn’t care but how the hell do you mistake the bottom of an ellios slice for the top? Freaking Amateur!
Oh yea and Temple won the A-10 tourney again. Of course they completely sucked ass while I was there.