What’s the big deal of having a date?

By: F.X. Galvin

Next weekend W.J. Beerslugger and I are attending the wedding of a high school buddy down the Jersey shore. Due to many factors including the size of the families and the cost that comes along with the location, the couple had a difficult time slashing their guest list. Furthermore, dates are more scarce than the pit bull population in Virginia after Michael Vick’s dog fighting operation was busted. Specifically, their rule was that anyone who has not been with someone over a year straight (no off and on bullshit), did not get a date. Needless to say, Beerslugger and I will not be taking dates.

My friend called me apologetic due to the fact that I did not receive a date and even more apologetic that more of our high school buddies were not invited. I told him I could give a shit less and am happy that I made the cut. Then, I explained to him that I have no clue why people get offended in these scenarios. A young couple is trying to have a nice wedding which you are invited to and some people feel the need to bitch about the fact that they did not get a guest. Think about it, the couple has more to do, plan, and worry about then why you were not entitled to a date. Every person who got a date is one less friend my buddy could invite. Some people are just ungrateful.

My buddy explained to me further that everyone who bitched about having to fly solo was a female. I thought about this further and thought about the numerous weddings and events that I have gone to where people bitched and did not bitch about receiving the all important “guest.” Essentially, every time someone whined that she did not get a date it was a girl or one of my friend’s girlfriends after her boyfriend was not awarded a guest. I really tried to think of this from the girl’s perspective but it was difficult so I will delve into it after I analyze the guy’s perspective.

Guys do not want to lead a girl around a wedding or event because it hinders his own good time. If the couple getting married does not know your date well enough to invite them, chances are no one else really knows her either. This translates into a babysitting adventure to make sure your date is comfortable with her surroundings. Also, when you attend weddings of old friends it is common that conversations of the past typically come up. These are the type of conversations that you love to be in if it is not about you or if your significant other is not present. The kind you hate if it is about you and you can see the disgust of your main squeeze mounting by the sentence. Finally, and most practically, you save money.

Women (I should say girls), on the other hand become offended and pissed if they do not get a date. Hold up ladies, I am not saying every female gets mad but from my limited experiences of weddings and such, girls are the people who bitch about not getting a date to an event. The only rational explanation and theory that I have comes from my miserable ex-girlfriend who refuses to attend one of these events without a date. I’ll admit she is on the extreme side as she will not even attend a Christmas party, banquet, wedding etc. without a date. She went as far to take another guy to a wedding when we were in a fight, even after I said I would go several days before. Consequently, a couple of weeks after we broke up last month she text me to tell me she was on her way home from Virginia from fucking him. Real sweet girl. . . and admittedly not the best example. However, her theory was that “at a certain age a woman should be entitled the accompaniment of a man.” I tried to gauge other girls’ theories on this but most of my female friends are cool as shit and said they would not care. The most I could get is “it is about respect.” That makes no sense. They had the respect to invite you, it does not take an additional level of respect to garner you a date. Therefore, I am stuck. I would love to hear more reason why women get mad about not having a date. Please e-mail me or comment.

What baffles me more is when a girlfriend is pissed because her boyfriend was not invited with a guest. This is a place where I have a difficult time searching for answers. Is it a trust issue with your boyfriend that he will cheat on you? Is it a self-esteem issue that the couple getting married does not like you? Outside of trust, dependency, and insecurity I cannot fathom why this would bother a woman. Again, please e-mail me or comment with an explanation because even my crazy ex would not be offended by this but I have heard several angry friend’s girlfriends freak out over this.

I just do not get it. One night in your life you can go out and have a good time without needing a date. Enjoy the company of your friends/family. More importantly, enjoy going to a friend/family members’ wedding and being a part of the most important day of her life. Nobody wants to hear you bitch.

5 Worst College Social Scenes in the Philadelphia area: #1 Eastern University “GPS Your Career”

By: F.X. Galvin

Sorry that it took me so long to write this article. Hopefully my article yesterday explains my absence and delay. W.J. Beerslugger has been harassing me to write this article so here it is.

Eastern is located off the main line a stones throw away from Villanova in St. David. It is a “University” (not sure how they pulled that off) strongly rooted in the Christian faith. Everyday that I drove to bar review class this summer on I-95 I passed a billboard sponsored by Eastern that proclaimed “GPS your career.” This maybe the most misleading billboard I have ever read and Eastern should be ashamed. Eastern does have many of the same majors other colleges do but it boast its youth ministry program where you can get your B.A. in youth ministry as well as a minor in biblical studies. . . why not give a degree in leisure studies it may be as useful. Also, it has a joint program where its students can go to a seminary and receive their B.A. This false advertising may trick some normal kids of coming to this school, which is terribly wrong. Overall, this school is packed with Christian extremists who have a promising future creating their personal Jonestown or becoming the next David Koresh. These freaks are strange enough to believe themselves to be the final prophet like Koresh did.

I know I gave you a brief background on this school above but it has nothing to do with partying. This is because there is no partying. Drinking is forbidden on this campus. Yes, absolutely forbidden. If you violate this rule you will be cast down with the Sodomites. Seriously, I am not kidding these people will try to rewrite the Bible to scrutinize you while they cannot even be honest with themselves. If you get caught with drugs they may hang you at high noon. (just a rumor)

The rules that this school make it sound more like cult training camp getting you ready to drink the Koolaid instead of a college. First, drinking it outlawed as mentioned above. I know several kids got kicked off the soccer team for good because they drank. That type of punishment is worse then high school and is completely ridiculous. Furthermore, you cannot show up on campus drunk. Yes, you will be in deep shit if you are wasted even if you are not caught drinking on campus.

Now for my favorite rule . . . What happens if the opposite sex comes to your dorm room. The light has to be on, the door has to be open, and two feet have to be on the floor at all times, meaning no one is allowed to be chilling on the bed. You cannot be serious! I was allowed more action in my Mom’s basement in the 10th grade. How could you possibly put these constraints on grown adults. Also, how could you go to a school that mandates this absurdity. I know these rules to be fact because one of my friends from college dated a girl from Eastern and refused to ever go there after one visit . . . do you blame him? Consequently, the same guy ended up marrying the girl this past year. Go figure, he has told me several different stories from weddings she has forced him to go to, in which her college friends got married. My favorites are the two weddings that alcohol was not served . . Yes, completely dry. What, are you fucking Muslim? Even JC rocked some wine from time to time. . . Lighten the fuck up, a drink would do you some good.

The abusive rules at Eastern may work mentally for many, but it will definitively serve as chaos for many others. Some of these kids leave campus, taste freedom and go insane. Two of my buddies in college met two of these freaks walking through the mall. They came over to their dorm and fucked them unmercifully for 24 hours until they demanded they checked the fuck out. Seriously, this is the chaos that results from people who are constrained their whole lives.

One final story I have about this college comes from when I interned for a politician on the state level my senior year of undergrad. The politician took me to a check presentation at Eastern as they won a state funded grant for winning a contest in recycling. You may wonder how a school with an enrollment of 4,000, which includes its undergrad, graduate, and seminary program can win a recycling contest over the massive state schools within Pennsylvania. Answer: These people are insane, and recycling contests are the shit they do for fun. I’m all about saving the earth but when I was in college and for that matter, right now, I am more concerned with myself and people I care about. Sorry, guess I’m a dick. Well anyway, back to the story . . . to get a laugh out of the crowd, which was filled with school dignitaries, the student council, and other relevant students and faculty, the politician starts off with a one liner “Wow, you must have drank a lot of beer to win this contest.” Complete silence, crickets. To this day I bet she has no clue what she did wrong. That speech hurt her re-election campaign, she lost six votes. She would have been much better off with some bullshit line on how God inspired the student body to recycle every piece of paper, aluminum, glass etc. to win this contest. Usually, the God line is a cliché but in this instance it is the standard.

I will not lie to you, I have a problem with religion and especially my religion, which I will not disclose. I will not delve into my personal views on the subject because I do not want to ruin a future article. However, have faith in yourself, believe in yourself do not let a group of fanatics tell you how to live your life. WWJD . . . Get wasted.

Obama… No Problema?

It's only a couple Billion....

By: William J. BeerSlugger

You know I’m really tired of a lot of things going on right now in this Country.  The fact that we have a new President who doesn’t fumble over words written on a teleprompter and who happens to be black does not make him  infallible.  Just because the current administration is proposing Cash for Clunkers or Universal Healthcare does not mean you have to believe blindly in it just because you voted for him. I voted for him and I don’t necessarily agree with everything that’s going on.

I agree Obama should be given a chance to prove himself and I am anxious to the the outcome of some of his endeavors.  However, just because I do not agree with some of the policy’s proposed by the Obama administration does not make me a right wing supporter or a racist or not caring for the well being  of the uninsured.  It just makes me have (I’d like to think) informed opinions which can and have changed with better and better information and opinions I hear from both sides of the issues.

I don’t believe that all people who oppose the war(s) are left leaning, freedom hating socialists so I don’t appreciate being painted that way…. (yes you girl at the bar I was having a conversation with last weekend but was disinterested after we started discussing Obama).

It seems to me that it is very “Taboo” to criticize the President or his administration’s actions in the media or public discussion.  This is due (in my opinion) principally to his relatively short term in office so far but also some of it is race related whether we want to acknowledge it or not. It seems to me that there is an overwhelming want from the general public and media for Obama to succeed and not be ridiculed because of his race (which is ironically half Caucasian).

I do not want the current President to be held up to a higher or lower standard because of race or any other factor.  The President is the President, regardless of sex, race, religion or sexual orientation.  Yes since this countries inception the President has been a white male but that doesn’t mean that we don’t hold the first black President’s feet to the fire just as his predecessors were.  That doesn’t mean the public should rubber stamp every policy the Obama Administration suggests without asking where the money will come from to finance it.  Basically, just because he’s black doesn’t mean we should stop asking questions (and I’m not talking birth certificates here).  I know a lot of people are crazy about him and believe he is some sort of political messiah that will deliver us from all bad but that’s a lot to ask from a 1 and a half term U.S. senator.

But maybe he is being treated fairly in the media and I’m just not watching those shows because I’m too interested in the Phillies right now, who knows.  All I know is I’m fed up with people blindly believing and not asking questions about “How” and “Why”.

I have see a couple of people criticize him in the media and I’ll list a couple here:

Bill Maher is a guy you wouldn’t think would take on the left but then again he did it with Clinton.

Jon Voight is one of the few celebrities I’ve seen talk in detail about where the country seems to be going.

Kieth Olberman, one of Obama’s media biggest admirer’s also took aim at Obama.

Anyway, not to get too political on you BeerSlugger’s out there, it just bugs me when someone believes in something blindly whether left or right leaning.  Get the (so called) facts and make informed and rational decisions. Of course this is America what the fuck am I talking about.

In closing America, stop drinking whatever flavor of Kool-Aid that’s being served and have a glass of water instead.

Jim Breuer Freakout

By: Billy BeerSlugger

Everyone has had that overly pushy person that they work with or has worked somewhere where you were.  The guy in the video handing comedian Jim Breuer the slice of stuffed crust Pizza Hut is all up in his business after every take.  The best part is Breuer’s laugh at the end of the video.  He’s come a long way from playing Goat Boy on SNL and being in Half Baked.

Two Month Hiatus

By: F. X. Galvin

For the last two months I have participated in the worst experience of my life, taking the bar exam. This was honestly a miserable life experience for several different reasons. Sorry that it took me a month to write a post since the bar but I have been severely intoxicated and just have not had the time to remove myself from a drunken stupor to contribute to Beerslugger. Here are some of the reasons:

The studying sucked. I took the Pennsylvania and New Jersey bar exams. The New Jersey bar only has seven subjects and did not take any extra work. However, the PA bar had 20 subjects, give or take, and took too much of my hard earned leisure time to learn. My ritual would consist of waking up and beginning to study before 10:00. I would study until about 1:00 pm where I would take a break to run. After the run I would shower then return to studying. I would stop studying a little after 4:00, eat dinner and leave for bar review class. I would be at class from 6:00 pm until 9:00 or 10:00, depending on the lecture. Many rights after I got home, sometimes after 11:00, I would do at least another hour of work. I write out this monotonous procedure to explain the “Groundhog’s Day” effect this process had on me.

It was financially draining. To take the PA bar, plus computer fees, the MBE (Multistate test that everyone has to take in the country to be barred) score transfer fee it cost $630.00. The New Jersey bar fee, plus the computer fee costs, plus fingerprints (I know pick your favorite explicative), plus hotel to take the bar in Atlantic City, approximately $750.00. The Barbri review course cost roughly 3k. All of this, plus lost wages due to the fact that I only worked two days a week between the last week of May through July 4th, then promptly took leave without pay through the end of July. There is also plenty of miscellaneous expenses I could throw in which I will not bore you with. Seriously, this test is too expensive to fail. NO, my work did not pick up the tab.

The bar itself sucked. Three days, six hours per day of testing is enough to want to hang yourself in the bathroom stall with your shoelaces. Moreover, during lunch and after the test you are subjected to whiny bitches freaking the fuck out about the tax consequences of casualty losses, premises liability, U.C.C. defenses, so on and so forth. Fuck all of you, you are the people who consistently pass. It is the quiet kid who keeps to himself who knows that he did not study hard enough who bombed the thing. I do not want to listen to someone I did not talk to for the last 4 years (I went to law school at night) cry to me how he does not know how to apply an anti-lapse statute concerning a will. You will actually witness a couple of meltdowns are hilarious. My favorite is the chick who projectile vomited during lunch of the first day. I also heard that a girl failed to finish the final 60 questions of the MBE and freaked out on the proctor. (unfortunately at this time this story is hearsay (hopefully someone sees the irony)).

I had to deal with my crazy ex-girlfriend. Going out with this girl on and off for three years is the epitome of why you should not attend law school. Stubborn, outspoken, pretentious, self-absorbed, dishonest, infallible (so she thinks) . . . characteristics of a typical law student/lawyer, which in turn my ex fell directly in line with. Throughout law school I talked to about 10 people over 4 years that I honestly liked. The remaining 95% could get hit by a Mack truck and I would not blink. Getting in a fight with her the day after the bar ending the relationship for good was the most liberating experience of my life. As I was getting dumped by her I was detaching myself from her and all of the pretentious pricks like her. (Yes, I partially enjoyed getting dumped).

My Grandfather passed away two weeks before the bar. Yes, I could not adequately morn my favorite grandparent’s death. I missed two days of studying for my grandfather’s viewing and funeral and all I could worry about the whole time was how far I was falling behind practice MBE questions. That is not a way to live life but as you can tell by this post it is what you sign up for when you start law school . . . sacrifice almost everything you care about for the law. Even when I wrote my grandfather’s eulogy the night before the funeral I worried about the time it was taking away from studying. Believe me this is not normal and I am not that type of person. I value my family and friends more than anything. I am an Irish Catholic raised on the premise, loyalty comes first. However, when you sign up for law school this is the mentality it demands to be successful . . . Fuck everyone but yourself.

Finally, all of this for what . . . To partake in what may be the worst profession in the universe, an attorney. What is even crazier is that Philadelphia’s market for attorneys is flooded and approximately 1 thousand new attorneys will be barred in the area, which creates an even larger cluster fuck. Jobs are scarce and the pay has been severely slashed for entry level associates. In Philadelphia, if you did not go to Penn or finish in the top 20% of your class while writing on law review this miserable experience was not what you envisioned. What really baffles me is that the abovementioned people have the social skills of a deaf mute and will eventually be deemed useless once they emerge from a back cave writing a brief and have to talk to a client about his case. I actually sat next to one of these freaks at the Jersey bar who told me he was upset that after graduating from Penn Law and his new firm, Dilworth Paxson, was cutting his salary. Fuck you.

Fortunately, I am lucky, I have a job, but that is only because I have been in the same office for 6 years, since I graduated undergrad, and the entity vowed to take care of me. It is not what I envisioned but I really cannot bitch as several of my friends are unemployed in a dead market. Trust me, it is not six figures at Dilworth Paxson and it is not what I want to do. At least if you get laid off from a job you can collect unemployment. However, if you just cannot get a job after becoming an attorney you are essentially fucked.

I know cry me a river, we all have problems. What I am saying is this, the last two months sucked, the last four years sucked, do not go to law school unless you plan on crushing it or you will also be fucked like so many others. Do not theorize that the market will bounce back while you are in school. It may, but there still will be a flooded market of attorneys, especially in Philadelphia. The money will not be there for a long time. If you are one of the people who intends on crushing it, ignore me because we would not get along anyway. In close, partaking in a legal career is not glamorous, it is stressful and ultimately annoying. Google billable hours and you can read more in depth on why that sucks. I know there has to be hundreds of blog posts on it.

I’m back bitches. . . .

Movie Poll

threemenWhomever was responsible for teaming Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson and Tom Selleck is obvious comedic genius.  But which movie was better? Seriously?

[poll id=”5″]

California Wildfires

Maybe we should think about moving?

By: Billy BeerSlugger

It’s hard for me to get worked up about California wildfires.  First of all, this happens every year, there’s some massive widespread fire that threatens thousands of houses in California and always seems to happen at the close of summer ostensibly after the brush has dried up and is more susceptible to going up like a tinder box.

Not that I don’t feel for the people that have or may lose their house in these fires but seriously why don’t you just move out of harms way once and for all.  Granted you might be a little farther away from L.A. than you want but you may not have to deal with wildfires every September.

For as much shit as Californian’s and everyone else who slurps the state talks about how beautiful it is there you really don’t hear a peep from those people during the borderline natural disasters that happen every year. Between wildfires and earthquakes every year the mass media has me trying to feel bad for all these people and their Million Dollar homes who pretend to be better than me for living in California under the sun and surf…. and wildfires. Instead of focusing on the people who lost their house can I get a story about some smart people who actually moved away from wildfire alley?

You know how there’s Hurricane season?  Well this is Wildfire season for California, lets not pretend like this is a surprise development newscasters.  You knew this was coming.  Come up with some sort of early warning system for the poor souls who still desire to live next to acres of kindling so they can spray their houses down with some sort of anti-flamatory resin and get the fuck out of Dodge.

Besides, Wildfires are a part of natures cycle in that region, in fact Fire is an essential part of most wildland ecosystems.  Things become overgrown, there’s lightening or some other event that sparks a fire, shit goes up in flames and begins a rebirth period, removing dead organic material from the area and releasing nutrients from mature plants back into the soil so that new plants may take up root.

The only things that is not natural in this process is that man has taken up residence in these areas and is trying to delay the inevitable.

Or maybe nature is colluding against us like in the M. Night Shyamalan movie The Happening. Man what a terrible movie.  Talk about a guy who peaked too early.  The guys career looks like the second half of a Bell Curve.  But I still got love for you Shyamalan.  Keep making shitty movies in the Philadelphia area.

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors

cell phone-2By: Billy BeerSlugger

The cell phone has become a necessity rather than a luxury in the last decade. I remember at the turn of the century when I thought me getting a pager was “selling out”.  I never wanted to be that plugged in or accessible to people.  Then times changed, I eventually buckled and got a cell phone then buckled again about a year ago to get the all important email/internet on the phone.

Like many of you BeerSlugger’s out there I can’t really imagine life without the cell phone now.   Telephone technology that used to be affixed to a wall has been available in your pocket now for about 15 or so years commercially.  Some 4 billion people are now or have used cell phones.

I remember when my mom got a cell phone for car emergencies in 1996 or so, back then using a cell as your main communication line was very cost prohibitive. I also remember reading a warning that came with the cell phone that stated the possible effects of the radiation emitted from the cellphone could cause, number one obviously involving the brain since you effectively hold your phone up to it.

Fast forward to today and I’ve just read a report that has me slightly concerned and has renewed an old fear about cell phones and their radiation.

A quote from the report:

Lloyd Morgan, lead author and member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society says, “Exposure to cellphone radiation is the largest human health experiment ever undertaken, without informed consent, and has some 4 billion participants enrolled. Science has shown increased risk of brain tumors from use of cellphones, as well as increased risk of eye cancer, salivary gland tumors, testicular cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and leukemia. The public must be informed.”

Sounds like pretty serious stuff.  The report also states that the Telecommunications funded studies of Cell Phone use and it’s risk of Brain Tumors was greatly underestimated.  It is said that the telecom studies left out several types of brain tumors, did not interview people who had died or who were too sick to be interviewed as well as children and young adults who seem to be at a greater risk.   That’s a complete shocker being that like most corporations, the health of their bottom line is valued more than the health of their clients. Plus, corporations misleading the general public about the safety of their product is nothing new in the U.S. or anywhere else, just ask the Pharmaceutical industry.

The report also had special warnings about the radiation given out by iPhone users so you guys better watch out.

Reading something like this, whether true or untrue, really puts things into perspective in terms of what politicians are fighting over today and what they should be fighting over.  I for one would love the government to throw a couple million towards a tried and true cell phone safety study, though that’s not going to happen when the corporations own Washington.  I’m sure the mass media will touch briefly on this story and go back to covering who the father of Michael Jacksons’ kids are or who’s going to be the contestants on Dancing with the Stars.

I try to use the speakerphone feature as much as possible on cell phones and have noticed some cell phones give me a headache or ringing in my head when placing them up to my ear. I wonder if this is somehow related to the radiation.

With this being said and dropping all this science knowledge on you, I think it is now safe to blame all the times I got really wasted and couldn’t get it up on my cell phone being in my pants too close to my gigglebits. I reserve to use this excuse in the future if I so desire even if I don’t have my phone on me. Listen sweetheart, it’s science.

ps: I made up the thing about the special warning for iPhone users in that report. You also believed it because you didn’t read the report.  Admit you cringed at the thought having to make a decision over good health or still using your iPhone.  I think most would still pick the iPhone.

Blogging about Blogging?

By: Billy BeerSlugger

You know I love sites like LifeHacker.com that kind of scour the internet for you and present you with the best stuff.  LifeHacker specifically resides on my iGoogle page and i check out the site pretty much daily to find out a lot of (Do it Yourself) DIY type stuff or how to save money on this and general other “How to”‘s.

Now to be fair LifeHacker does come out with a lot of original content, however, most of their daily posted content seems to be of the “check out what this website wrote about” variety. So essentially LifeHacker and many other sites like it are “Blogging about Blogging”. Seems a little redundant but also seems to be working for some people/companies.

Of course it’s kind of ironic that in this post I’m blogging about blogging about blogging but we’ll try and put that aside for a minute and focus in Blogging2.

So sites like LifeHacker do serve a great purpose and provide their audience with a condensed snapshot of interesting and useful posts from other blogs thus providing you possibly with things you didn’t know about or allowing you to skip the search part of the internet experience trying to find information on a topic.

Either way though, it’s a symbiotic relationship between the blogger and the blogging. The blog with the original post is provided with traffic they wouldn’t have had through the ancillary post linking to their website. The blog that is linking to the original post is receiving search engine consideration for the post and thus expanding their internet exposure all while not really writing any original content. There’s not a loser in this equation.

However, there is something to be said about your “bread and butter” being other people’s content. Contributing a paragraph or two along with an endorsement and reaping all the rewards. Kind of like in college if your roommate got a keg and had a great party you were somehow glorified as well just for living there. You did none of the leg work but do get credit.

Anyway, I know a lot of you BeerSlugger’s out there may not be into these subjects as much as I am but it’s stuff I think about.  I feel like I’m cheating a little when I post a Youtube video because it’s not my video so I guess there’s content copying all over the blogging realm. I’m not losing sleep over it though it’s easy to go to sleep after 10 beers.

BTW: This is BeerSlugger.com’s 200th post. I’m getting drunk to celebrate.

Shuffleboard on a Table? Dominant!

240By: Billy BeerSlugger

I recently spent the better part of a week in the Pocono’s with 11 friends to prepare for and draft my Fantasy Football squad (and get super wasted). My league has been renting out a house now since 2005 and is far and away the best way to draft your team.  Well really it’s just good to get your friends and yourself away from your girlfriends/wives for a weekend and have some good old unadulterated fun.

We have had 5 houses and this one was by far the best.  Not because it was nicer, not because it was closer to the golf course but because it had a shuffleboard table!  I cannot even begin to describe to you how dominant this game is.  No wonder old people love shuffleboard.  It is easily the best social drinking skill game out there.  Better than Darts, better than Billiards, better than (dare I say) Foosball.  It requires no athletic ability and you can play for as long as you can stand upright.

The intricacies of the game are many.  Besides sliding a disc like object down the runway and having it sit in a scoring area, there are many things you need to take into account.  Playing defense would consist of knocking your opponents disc off of a scoring area and hopefully landing in a scoring area yourself.  Defense can also be played by positioning a disc in front of another disc that you placed in a scoring area so as to obstruct it from your opponents attempts at knocking it off the board.

I was up money, I was down money but overall I had a great time and the tournaments we had got really intense.  A member of my FF league, and avid BeerSlugger.com reader, went to West Chester University and is a veteran of shuffleboard due to his tenure as a drunkard at Jake’s Bar.  This is the only bar I have run across that carries a Shuffleboard table or “Quades” as it is the nomenclature in West Chester.

Overall, a completely dominant game and something you BeerSlugger’s out there should be looking to play.