That’s Someone’s Daughter

By: Billy BeerSlugger

I just read this article on and watched the video, entitled Teens: Oral Sex and Casual Prostitution No Biggie. It talks about how a blow job is the new new good night kiss.  Pre-teen girls are trading sexual favors to stay in relationships, for money and for clothing/accessories.  And these girls don’t think there’s anything really wrong with it.

They apparently come from middle to upper class family’s as well which makes things a little more intriguing, usually it’s the poorer girls that become whorish at an earlier age.  I can remember being at an 8th grade birthday party where a group of girls around the ages of 11-13, told me they were blowing dudes and having sex before their parents came home from work.  All the while I’m thinking, “Why can’t” this be me?”.

I don’t know what took Good Morning America so long to report on this subject but it’s at least 10 years over due.  Now it’s common knowledge that young girls tend to date men who are a little older then them.  Whether it’s because they have a car or because they can buy alcohol or because they have a lot more money then their male counterparts of lesser age.  Since these younger girls are dating slightly more mature or experienced guys, they tend to do try to go the extra mile to try to impress them and be kept around.  “Yeah sure I’ll take my shirt off while drunk at this party”.  “Sure I’ll have sex with you and your friend tonight.”.  Though if there’s one thing these girls have right is that a girl who gives it up (whatever it may be) isn’t going to be at a loss for company on the weekends.

Not that I was privy to the cool chicks banging me at an early age, but i’ve seen my fair share of crazy shit in college.  Freshman girls move into the dorms and for the first semester or so view it as an extension of Senior Week.  Girls walking around in a frat house naked after hours, taking off clothes,throwing them and making out with other girls during the party, a group of guys (including the Chapter Advisor) just sitting around watching a girl finger herself.   Topless Tuesdays, Nitrous Nensdays.  My friend and I had a saying when we would see some girl doing some completely outlandish shit, “That’s someone’s daughter.“.

This type of behavior can continue to occur even after college.  My friend just informed me that he banged a girl who is in his shore house over the weekend, then she proceeded to bang another guy and have a three-some with that guy and another.  Apparently she left a note telling the housemates she was sorry for her actions and she would not be back this summer.  I can only imagine what the note said, “If you’re reading this, you already know.  I banged 3 dudes inside of 48 hours and I can no longer show my face in this house”.

There is though the double standard.  If a guy had roasted 3 girls in 48 hours he’d get a pat on the back and an “atta’ boy”.

I think the point I’m trying to make is that kids have and will continue to do whatever the hell it is they want to do (and what MTV tells them).  In light of the society we live in kids will continue to have sex in their pre-teens given they watch enough Beverly Hills 90210 or Gossip Girl or whatever teenaged show where the crux of a couple episodes a season is whether or not a main female character will have sex/lose their virginity.  There probably is a lot of social pressure for a young girl to get down to business as well.

Inevitably a girl has to get royally screwed over to realize they need to grow up and not just do crazy shit to impress some jerk off guys or trade sex to be in a relationship.  I’m guessing girls that have sex earlier, realize the need to get more mature in their sexuality earlier.  Though they will be labeled a whore in high school they have a chance to re-invent themselves in college.  Either way kids are growing up faster then our parents ever dreamed of.  I just wish I was getting Hum-Jums when I was 11.

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