Stuff Guys Shouldn’t Do: Throw Pillows

throwpillowsBy: Billy BeerSlugger

If you are a guy one of the things you may pride yourself is being practical and logical. At we are going to try and point out things that as a guy you definitely should not be doing.

In this first installment of Things Guys Shouldn’t Do, we will talk about throw pillows. Throw pillows serve absolutely no purpose besides making a bed look a little snazzier. Your wife, girlfriend, mother or sister probably employs throw pillows on her bed to make it try and look like something out of a Good Housekeeping magazine.Problem being that magazines sell illusion. While a bed topped with color or print matching pillows may look ok to some people, you can only use so many pillows. Thus these pillows got their name “throw pillows” because you essentially throw them off your bed before you go to sleep. You wake up you make your bed and put them back on. They are for show and show only.

As a man you should not be involved with throw pillows. If you are currently co-habitating with a woman who is your wife or girlfriend and she insists on making your bed “pretty”, you should put up any sort of resistance necessary. If you are not going to win this battle (since you are a pussy) you should at least use this as ammunition or compromise in another battle. Do not just let your lady friend emasculate your bed without repercussion. Give a little get a little but do not just give it away.

If you are not currently living with a woman and sharing the same bed and you use throw pillows you should seriously consider if you are a homosexual (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Check to see if you have any other homosexual tendencies like interior design, love of the theater, mens and womens fashion or if you go to the gym and your penis tingles when you enter the mens locker room. Along with throw pillows these are all signs you may be a GAY.