Texts From Last Night

By: Billy BeerSlugger

You know I was originally enthralled at the time wasting entertainment website called textsfromlastnight.com.  I would go on there and have a good laugh about text messages of drunken adventures and other generally comical happenings.

However, something clicked inside my head recently that I’m pretty sure I’m not going to follow TFLN as closely anymore and it’s not because I want to stop wasting time and be more productive or any crap like that.

I think I’m a little aghast at peering inside the text messages of girls talking to their girlfriends.  Man jokes like ” I think she just tried to waterboard me with her vagina” and “Her vagina looked like Bernie Madoff ” are hilarious to me.  I get them because I’m a man and this is the way I also think.  I’ve been on the sending and receiving end of these kinds of texts and my friends and I get a good chuckle out of them.  The text messages about drunken behavior not remembered by the person who did it is funny regardless of sex.

However, what I can’t look past anymore is the glimpse into Girls talking to other girls about what slutty situation precluded getting jizz in her hair or how they have to get a pregnancy test or how big their crap was.  Some things it’s better that men just aren’t privy to.

Now I know the HBO series Sex and the City kind of broke barriers in terms of the new millennium “Girl Talk” and ushered in a sort of sexual revolution where it’s a little more socially accepted for women to be a little promiscuous.  I’m not against girls getting what they want, sexually or otherwise but I’d rather not read or hear about the more disgusting and pig-like scenarios of the gender that is supposed to be better than men in that department.  I talked to a couple of girls and they say that they talk sort of like men when we’re not around.  A little more raunchy, a little less reserved, a little more Sex and the City.

So this brings me back to my revelation about textsfromlastnight.com the other day and why I’m semi-boycotting it.  All these girls and all their slutty stories about getting jizz in their hair and banging random dudes and broken moral compasses just make me sad. WHY?  Because someone is going to marry these girls, one of these girls I may date unsuspectingly.  It makes me a little angry to think that if I ever do get married, some douchebag could be roasting my future wife at this very moment and the funny story from it I could be reading on textsfromlastnight.com in my not so free time.  Who’s laughing then?

It may be a little bit hypocritical to like the guy sex stories and hate the girl sex stories but I just expect better out of women…. and if you’re a woman, you should too.