Austin Stevens – Snakemaster

We here at are not in the business of promoting people, however, Austin Stevens is just FANTASTIC!!! After watching a couple of his specials on Animal Planet we were amazed at what this guy does and his enthusiasm.  While Steve Irwin was a great Adventurer this guy takes the cake.

More info from him at Wikipedia, “In an effort to generate funds and public interest in the plight of African gorillas, Austin set a record by spending 107 days and nights in a cage with 36 of the most venomous and dangerous snakes in Africa. On the 96th day, he was bitten by a cobra, but to many people’s amazement he refused to leave the cage and was instead treated in the cage. Although he was very sick at that time, Austin completed the 107 days and beat the existing Guinness World Record (documented in the Guinness Book of Animal Records).”

In the video below he pets a wild King cobra on the Head! Seriously.  One of the more entertaining things we’ve encountered in a while.