Shakira seems fun!

By: Billy BeerSlugger

I’m not too sure what Shakira has been doing since her song where she shakes her ass a lot in the video back in like 2001 but her newest song (and apparently video which I was unaware they still made) “She Wolf” takes that sexy Shakira concept and turns up the volume up 1 notch past the maximum.

I’m not sure how exactly feel about the song itself but Shakira dancing around whilst scantily clad in a cage is pretty nice. What I found pretty amazing was the full on crotch shot she gives away 50 seconds into the video.  Beyonce wears the same kind of clothes but usually manages not to just gratuitously throw in crotch shots like free samples of the Crystal Light at the supermarket.

Listen, I’m not complaining or anything, I think most if not all hot girls should voluntarily flash some beav while wearing coochie cutters.  Kind of makes me miss the days when videos were the predominant force on MTV and there was a reason to like a song not just for it’s music for the visual experience too.

Not sure how long this video will remain active but here’s another link just in case it goes down.