The Jewish Nationality

starBy: Billy BeerSlugger

I was chatting up a young lady Thursday night and things are going pretty well.  We’re doing the regular introductory questions, “Where are you from?”, “Where do you live?”, “What college did you go to?”.  Then things get a litttle interesting. I noticed she kind of had an olive colored skin and asked what was her heritage was.  She replied, “Jewish”.

First of all if someone asked me where my ancestors originally hail from I’m going to say I’m Irish/Welsh.  How I’m not going to answer the question is “Oh I’m Catholic” because that’s my religion (or at least that’s how I was raised).   I was running out of witty things to talk about and decided to settle on this topic for awhile, respectfully of course.

I tried explaining to her why i thought Jewish was not a nationality.  You can’t be from Jew because it doesn’t exist.  If I’m wrong please point it out to me on a map.  I would have accepted German Jew, Italian Jew,  Indian Jew, Spanish Jew, Egyptian Jew, African Jew or maybe Isreali.  Why do you have to bring the religion into it though?  I asked her if she knew which part of the world her Jewish family came from but she didn’t know, she just knew she was Jewish.

Not that it’s terribly important to me to know where this girls family originated because it’s not, if I were her though it’s just something I would want to know for my own edification.  I’m just bringing this stuff up with her because I have nothing better to talk to her about.  To me a blow job is a blow job and it does not have a nationality, and that’s the real goal here.  Though from what I’ve heard from some former co-workers I was barking up the wrong tree hoping to get a BJ from a Jewish girl.  They tell me you’d be hard pressed to find a Jewish girl that will put non-kosher cock in her mouth.  In this instance, they were right.