2012 – Not A Space Odyssey

By: Billy BeerSlugger

Hasn’t this movie been done a couple of times before?  Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow ring a bell to anyone? End of the world by: Aliens, Global Warming and now The Mayan Calendar?  It’s a shocker that all three of these movies were directed, written and produced by Roland Emmerich.  The man seems to have a lock on “End Of The World” scripts in Hollywood.  I’m wondering if he has a wheel that goes around like The Price is Right and whatever doomsday scenario he lands on, that’s his newest movie.

The film will probably get panned because this isn’t 1996 and blowing shit up in CGI just doesn’t have the same effect on people as it did back when Bill Clinton was banging chicks in the White House.  And Amanda Peet has bangs?  What the fuck is up with that?

Anyway, I’ll probably get roped into watching this movie at some point and I think I’ll rather enjoy watching a fake California fall into the ocean.  That’s definitely going to happen in real life at some point too only John Cusack isn’t going to be able to drive a car and fly a plane through falling buildings to get out alive.

I’d like to give you more info on the Mayan Calendar but the Phillies are about to play the Rockies and this broad already gives a synopsis on a Youtube video.  She actually won an Emmy for it which is unbelievable because I didn’t know they gave out Emmy’s to Youtube videos.   I’ve had a crush on her for a couple of months and her mammoth breasts.  She (they really because I doubt she actually writes most of the shit) actually come out with some pretty cool content from time to time as well. Kind of like BeerSlugger.com only better looking and with bigger tits.