The Great Debate

Many a drunken night and with many drunken people I have had what is probably the most highly contested, argued over and intense debates facing man today.  I’m not talking about Abortion, Same Sex-Marriage, Universal HealthCare or Legalizing Marajuana.  I’m talking about debate of who is THE GREATEST ALTHLETE OF ALL TIME.

Over the next week or so you’ll hear from a bunch of staff writers, including myself, on who is the Greatest Athlete of All Time.  You may agree, you may disagree, you may want to write your own article on who you think is the Greatest.  By all means send it to  Make comments, participate.

After we are done posting on the subject we will put up a poll and we’ll let the BeerSlugger faithful decide.

As always thanks for logging on and please let your opinion be known.


W.J. BeerSlugger