Do It Yourself: Friends and Family Edition

ambition_the_office_webBy: Billy BeerSlugger

They say you can’t please everyone all the time and that’s never more true in your personal life with friends, family and romantic interests.  As a given, people will complain no matter what it is, weather, location selection, crap about work, it doesn’t really matter. If you know enough people, then you know a couple people who will bitch and complain about pretty much everything under the sun and not only do nothing to fix their supposed problem but also offer up no suggestions or feelings before or during events transpiring.

It’s either too much money or the amenities could have been better if you’re the one that booked the trip.  The food could have used a little more spice or it was way too spicy if you’re the cook. Person A says we could have gone to this bar or that restaurant instead of the place you went out of your way to make reservations at or booked a party at. “This wedding reception isn’t as nice as it could have been”.

If you’re a “Do’er”, you’re used to being dealing with the negative feedback which will inevitably occur from people you know who have no bearing on the planning or decision making aspect of the events, food or general ambiance you try to pull off.

Not only are you dealing with people who as a whole probably never could be happy, but you’re also dealing with people who will complain about things even when they were asked about their input and gave no response or are indifferent at the time.

“Oh it’s way too cold out” says the person who just came into the office. “Man it is just ungodly hot outside” says the same person in the summer. Guess there’s no pleasing you huh? Maybe you should have moved to some sort of climate that doesn’t get too hot or too cold Goldilocks.

I guess my point here is that given a topic or situation, invariably people will bitch about something. I tend not to bitch about things, especially things I have no control over like the weather or traffic. If there is something that bothers me I’ll do my best to fix that situation instead of just talking about the problem. If I can’t fix the problem I’m not going to bore you with it.  This isn’t a situation where I wish people were more like me but in general, if you’re bitching and complaining about things instead of fixing them I have no patience for you.

ps. this article seemed better in my head. well fuck, can’t win them all.