By: Billy BeerSlugger
Blood Energy Drink is a product marketed to the general public but really some marketing guru is trying to take advantage of the movie Twilight and it’s fat girl/skinny girl/ gay guy fan base. It’s an energy drink that has the consistency of blood, the same color of blood, most of the same nutrients as blood and comes in packaging you would find in a hospital. Seriously, what is the world coming to?
Are people really that obsessed with the a vampire movie that they will buy this? I loved the Wesley Snipes movie Blade but I didn’t run out and try to get fang implants or sleep all day in a box with soil from Transylvania. I mean I can see the gothic leaning population loving this shit because they’re a little bat shit to begin with but are the tweens and twenty something fans of twilight going to buy this stuff.
Between Twilight, the HBO show True Blood and some show Vampires Diaries on the WB or whatever the fuck that station is called now, has there ever been a cooler period of time to be a vampire? The only way you could be cooler than being a vampire right now is to be a black rapping Vampire that also happens to be gay. It actually sounds like a great sitcom.
If one were to make a mixed alcoholic shot with this stuff and Jägermeister, what would it be called? A Blood Bomb?