By: Billy BeerSlugger

I consider myself a sort of Renaissance man. Not only can I make a crappy website, do drywall, install ceiling fans and other Man stuff, I can also Cook and do my own Laundry.
On a previous post I promised to give you the recipe for my Macaroni & Cheese, Ground Beef concoction.
So here’s what you need:
1) A box of Macaroni & Cheese. I use the White Cheddar kind. You will also need the things necessary to make Macaroni & Cheese like Milk and Butter.
2) A pound of Ground Beef.
3) An Onion.
4) A Green Pepper.
5) An 8oz bag of Shredded Cheese of your choosing. I use a 3 cheese medley usually used in tacos.
6) Half a jar of Spaghetti Sauce (12oz). Your choice but I like to use a Sweeter Sauce.
7) Hot Sauce.
This couldn’t be easier to make:
1) Slice up the Green Pepper and Onion
2) Combine Sliced Green Pepper and Onion with Ground Beef in a frying pan.
3) Cook the Macaroni & Cheese following the directions on the box.
4) Pre-Heat the oven to 400 degrees.
5) Combine Macaroni & Cheese with the Browned Ground Beef, Onions and Green Pepper in a baking dish.
6) Mix in the spaghetti sauce and hot sauce to taste.
7) Add the shredded cheese as desired. I use the whole bag because I eat to deal with my emotions.
8) Bake this bad bear for about 10 minutes.
It feeds 4 people for around $10. Or if you’re me, you eat half of it and then cry the rest of the night. It’s not exactly a food for people who are counting calories, but if you’re wasted it may be one of the best meals you’ve ever had.
Of course I do not recommend cooking while drunk. You may fall asleep like F.X. Galvin and almost burn the house down.
Just don’t eat this when your wasted, its not to pretty coming up