By: Gene Yuss

There is a marketing campaign that is absolutely in the top five of all time commercials that annoy me.
Mazda started running cheap cialis 20mg their “Zoom-Zoom” commercials several years ago, and have been pushing me to the brink of madness ever since.
It is not really that I don’t like the cars (the RX-8 is actually a nice little whip for the affluently challenged), I just can’t stand that kid that so smugly urges us to zoom-zoom.
The kid is no longer in the commercials, but his voice still echoes through the halls of my Bose surround sound between every inning of this young baseball season.
Where does this kid get the nerve to tell me how to drive?
Just looking at him you know he’s obviously not old enough to drive. After some research I was able to determine that this kid’s name is Micah Kanters. Kanters was only ten years of age when he began making these commercials. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let a ten year old tell me how to drive.
And why is he always in such a hurry? At ten years old there are only so many things he can be rushing to… With that Irish little mug of his it is either river dancing or to a potato mixer. Think about how long these commercials have been on the air and Kanters is still probably not old enough to drive. Arrogant little bastard.
The only thing I can be thankful for is that his entry into puberty has obviously taken a toll on his infamous voice and we don’t have to look at his face anymore.
Kanters – If you are reading this, I have a message for you. There is only one thing in this world (at least that I can think of at the time that I’m writing this) that can get away with repeating only one word twice as their only form of communication. Sadly, you sir are not the Road Runner. Ironically though, the Road Runner’s “beep-beep” is arguably in the car family of onomatopoeia.
I also saw a rumor online that Kanters was killed – ironically being run over by a Mazda. While this is hilariously untrue, I can only hope he instead takes a lesson from Wile E. Coyote and falls off a cliff…