I like Chelsea Handler. I’ll sometimes catch the Soup and her Show with side show act Chuey before I go to bed. Even though it’s not exactly improv as you can tell the topics and jokes for the topics are preconceived, she seems to have a realness about her. I guess as real as you can get when you have your own show about celebrity gossip.
Anyway, I’m a fan of naked chicks and there’s something about seeing a Hollywood chick naked that is better than just going on the internet and finding random naked chicks that aren’t famous for just taking their clothes off. Maybe it’s because they’re in movies or TV shows or whatever but I like to get to know my naked celebrities a little bit before I put them in the spank bank.
Anywhoodle, I’m sure they had to makeup and photoshop Chelsea a lot because shes been going to the dark side over the last couple of years. I can see her being a Joan Rivers type in 15 years or so.
I’m a PC. Since 1992 and for the foreseeable future I’m sticking with Microsoft through thick and thin. I wasn’t happy with Vista and didn’t particularly care for Windows XP after Windows 2000. Vista for the most part was riddled with problems and even though the majority of them were fixed in successive Service Packs, the negative press and word of mouth killed it’s ability to be a successful operating system in the mainstream consciousness. Windows XP was shinier and had a updated graphical interface as opposed to Windows 2000 but also came at the expense of lag. Loading Windows Explorer was considerably slower as well as a host of other things I didn’t find satisfying on a supposed new operating system.
While Windows 7 is essentially a “refined” progression of Vista, it has given my laptop life it did not have in the Vista era. “Aero” effects that I could run while decreasing my system stability in Vista seem to be of no consequence in 7. Searching for a file takes seconds not minutes and overall my laptop is more responsive and “feels” better with faster page load times using the interweb and downloading files. If you’re on a computer as much as i am, multitasking resource consuming applications this is a very good thing!
Overall, I haven’t been this excited about an operating system since Windows 95. It’s really that much of a step in the right direction though not without it’s flaws (as any OS has). Maybe I’m a little biased given my history of working on PC’s since birth essentially, working on DOS then Windows 3.1 and so on. Or maybe it is my trip to the Microsoft’s campus in 1997 while my father’s company was subcontracted to help fix their help desk and I was able to experience a T1 line well before anyone except large companies had access to anything but dial up internet. Either way, if you’re running XP or Vista you will be more than pleased if you upgrade given you have the recommended hardware.
But now to the reason why I’m writing this post. Microsoft has pulled out of an advertising campaign that would have consumed all of the commercials and Windows 7 being worked into the plot of an episode of The Family Guy much like Bud Lite Golden Wheat bought all the commercials on a recent episode of Saturday Night Live. Microsoft pulled out of the deal citing the episode’s “content was not a fit with the Windows brand.” . Well I had been following this “breaking news” since it’s announcement and subsequently found it funny that Microsoft would pull out of the on the premises that The Family Guy‘s content was not a fit. Have they seen an episode of that show?
However, then I thought about it. Microsoft was in a win-win situation the whole time. Best case they get all the advertising on a show that appeals to the coveted 18 to 40+ market that they want to get the word out to and spend a lot of money doing it. Second best case scenario, they leak the information on the web about Microsoft buying the entire advertising budget for an episode of Family Guy, wait for the eventual backlash from Microsoft haters and determine whether or not this is a great idea. Apparently they decided to bail on actually buying the advertising time and but still take the internet buzz about the Microsoft/Family Guy union. Another in a long line of shrewd Microsoft moves.
Check out the docudrama The Pirates of Silicon Valley for more Apple/Microsoft Steve Jobs/Bill Gates info in it’s infancy up to about 1999. Great stuff if you’re a geek like me.
Man you really can’t get away from these people. You got Kate on TV all day and you have Jon banging tons of chicks. I can’t go a day without seeing a Jon and Kate update on my newsfeeds and I can’t figure out why. I don’t know why the media and the general population are so enamored with this couple and their kids, I don’t get it. And they are getting divorced and the kids are on TV and Jon thinks this and Kate says that.
I just don’t get it. I don’t watch the show but besides having 8 kids what qualifies this broken up couple as national news? Every news outlet is waiting on the next big Jon and Kate headline and frankly I really don’t give a shit. They have a TV show where I guess the kids run around, ok big fucking deal. Flava Flav had a TV show too but he’s not splashed up on my news sites or doing interviews on Good Morning America.
What does it solve either the fact that you’re airing all this family laundry on interviews? Is it to extend the 15 minutes of fame? Is it to make the show more appealing? I just don’t get it. Then again I don’t get a lot of things.
I’m just hoping these people go away because there’s way more important shit to be focusing on than the world of Jon and Kate. The kids really shouldn’t be subjected to a being on reality show either but that’s just my opinion. Which of the kids is the first one to grow up and do something completely outrageous or get hooked on drugs? At least they have an excuse when they do it… fucked up childhood with cameras around all the time.
It’s also interesting to note that Kate seemed to be the one who took the brunt of the media’s criticism shortly after they announced the divorce but now Jon is the one who is getting roughed up. Not much has changed I’m sure in terms of Jon and Kate but the media decided to take a particularly different tone after a couple of weeks.
Anyway, I think the show just got canceled which is great for America. These people can fall back into whatever semblance of normal like after the show stops taping and we the people won’t have to be bombarded by it on TV and the Internet. Of course we’ll probably see another incarnation of participants in this show on another show but hopefully it will take some time for Hollywood to get that together. I would be fine with a couple of guest spots on Hollywood Squares and some low key news reports about how the kids are adjusting just fine to life not in front of a camera crew. That’s not going to happen though.
Just because I rip into left wing ego case Keith Olbermann doesn’t mean I can’t flip the script and call it like i see it on a so-called conservative talk show host. Glenn Beck of Fox News is also part of the partisan, Jerry Springeresque impasse we seem to be stuck at in terms of the sensationalism, manufactured outrage and just plain bullshit that has clogged up the airwaves of late.
I’m not sure where Glenn Beck came from or why he’s a credible but whomever is signing his paychecks should take a good hard look in the mirror. I have been flipping through the channels lately and found him to be most annoying, abrasive and not really making much sense. Using props of various kinds to prove his points, spouting about historical/political facts that do and do not have relevance to the situations of today. I think he’s cried on air 4 or 5 times so far and while that may have been to garner more attention and make himself seemingly more of a patriot because he cares for his country it’s been as believable as the Terrel Owens “That’s My Quarterback” interview.
I remember the first time I saw him on TV he was interviewing a lady and he was talking about how much he hates compact fluorescent light bulbs because he didn’t like how they made him look in the mirror. He brought up a great point that at the time NBC was running a “Green” campaign and doing Public Service Announcement’s for CFL’s and cutting back on energy consumption while NBC’s parent company General Electric makes those lightbulbs. However, marginalizing energy consumption on the part of how you look in the mirror is the exact opposite of how American’s should be thinking.
This week I saw him stand by a red phone begging the White House to call him, erratically prancing around and acting like a school kid who just got multiple wedgies (queue crying). I don’t get it, every once in a couple months he comes up with a somewhat credible news story or uncovers some far-left tie to a White House appointed position and plays off of that for another 3 months while giving everyone his whacked ass view of his “America” during the mean time.
While I genuinely believe that Glenn Beck is trying to do good for his country in his head, the way he is going about doing it is not only misguided and ineffective but also extremely dangerous in it’s subjective and one-sided nature. Yes there are problems in America, there have always been problems in America and there will always be problems in America. We don’t live in a Utopia and you cannot please everyone all the time. I can appreciate some of his views on Healthcare, government takeover of the Auto industry and have grown weary of bigger and bigger government as it acquires more and more of America. Notwithstanding, just because you are talking louder and throwing a temper tantrum doesn’t make you right and actually serves to diminish the message you are trying to send.
It’s hilarious that the people that say the most outrageous things are given the bigger pulpits to shout from when real journalists are relegated to page 18 of the newspaper and don’t have a TV show because the objective truth isn’t good for ratings. It’s partly the fault of the American public for consuming this crap but more so the fault of the media conglomerates and advertisers who effectively put these wind bags on the air. Yes it’s a capitalistic society and I understand making sensible news profitable is hard if not impossible but there has to be another way right?
Blood Energy Drink is a product marketed to the general public but really some marketing guru is trying to take advantage of the movie Twilight and it’s fat girl/skinny girl/ gay guy fan base. It’s an energy drink that has the consistency of blood, the same color of blood, most of the same nutrients as blood and comes in packaging you would find in a hospital. Seriously, what is the world coming to?
Are people really that obsessed with the a vampire movie that they will buy this? I lovedthe Wesley Snipes movie Blade but I didn’t run out and try to get fang implants or sleep all day in a box with soil from Transylvania. I mean I can see the gothic leaning population loving this shit because they’re a little bat shit to begin with but are the tweens and twenty something fans of twilight going to buy this stuff.
BetweenTwilight, the HBO show True Blood and some show Vampires Diaries on the WB or whatever the fuck that station is called now, has there ever been a cooler period of time to be a vampire? The only way you could be cooler than being a vampire right now is to be a black rapping Vampire that also happens to be gay. It actually sounds like a great sitcom.
If one were to make a mixed alcoholic shot with this stuff and Jägermeister, what would it be called? A Blood Bomb?
You know Walmart, the United States largest retailer, has gotten a lot of bad press lately. I watched a documentary (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price) a year or so ago about how Walmart was really taking advantage of their employees, not giving overtime and not offering health insurance and the adoption of an anti-union stance. How when a Walmart opens in a small town it can really squeeze local merchants and put them out of business.I’m a sucker for documentary’s and I’ll admit the video had me leaning initially toward boycotting the megastore.
I’ve heard people I know say they won’t go there for these reasons but after a visit to a local Walmart a couple of weeks ago I’m not sure I’ll be one of these people. Not that I make a weekly trip to the retail palace but the prices really are a lot lower than other retailers for certain items. Getting my Old Spice High Endurance deodorant for over $2 less than I would at a place like Rite Aid or CVS. Grabbing a 12 pack of socks for $5.50 and picking up a couple of food items that seemed to be a really good deal opposed to my local supermarket.
First, with the state of the economy and family’s tightening the budgets more and more, what is so wrong saving money? Even if Walmart is treating employees unfairly cannot these people go somewhere else and work if it’s so bad, this is America after all isn’t it? No one is putting a gun to their head and saying they have to work at Walmart.
Second, if Walmart is putting the squeeze on local businesses in towns they open stores in isn’t that in fact good for the consumer? Competition driving down prices. Yes it sucks that local businesses will close due to their inability to compete but innovative and new businesses should spring up in their absence and existing businesses that are able to adapt will also survive. Is not this a Capitalist society? Don’t new businesses spring up every day as well as fold? Isn’t there something to be said about survival of the fittest anymore?
Yes I do care about Walmart workers rights/conditions and I do feel slightly bad for the family’s of the businesses that go under due to direct competition with Walmart but i and the rest of America should be looking out for number one during these rough times. If you can save $20 a week by purchasing items cheaper at Walmart isn’t that $20 more in your pocket? Why should you feel bad about that?
There is something to be said about a monopolistic environment that could be forming where Walmart is the only seller of a specific type of good in a given area but then again if Walmart was pricing these items more expensively than they should another business could challenge for dominance in that particular good, service or sector.
Overall, I’m not a huge fan of Walmart. I’d never buy audio/video equipment there or clothing besides socks and underwear but i don’t really have a problem going and saving money on the items I would buy there and you shouldn’t either.
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You may have heard this story about a group of 60 kids from a day camp in Philadelphia which was bussed to the Valley Swim Club in Huntingdon Valley PA only to be told not to come back a day later after an emergency board meeting by the swim club.
The story is all over the news and reached national levels even moving Actor/Director Tyler Perry of the Tyler Perry movies to pay for a 3 day stay in Disneyland. There’s no denying that the kids in the day camp are primarily black and that the clientele in the swim club is primarily white. There’s where the story comes from; the sensationalism of racism.
Now the swimming club says they had legitimate crowd concerns which may or may not be true. One of the campers, Dymire Baylor, commented, saying, “I heard this lady, she was like, ‘Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?’ She’s like, ‘I’m scared they might do something to my child.” Two other campers reported strange comments, prompting one to ask, “Am I too black to go into the pool?”.
Well you might just chalk that up to what Obama might call being a “typical white person“. As in there is an inherent reaction to white people that’s “been bred into our experiences that don’t go away and sometimes come out in the wrong way and that’s just the nature of race in our society”. (And he’s right we do have to break through it).
But I digress, the issue here is that the summer camp paid $1,900 to have the 60 kids go to the pool every Monday for 90 minutes for the duration of the summer. I did some math and it essentially breaks down to $2.64 per visit. Now the swim club supposedly received multiple complaints from members leading to the emergency board meeting that terminated the Day Camp membership. I think the economics of this decision are pretty easy. A swimming membership for the summer for one person can range from $300 to $350 in the area for a single person and a family of four can be around $600 – $650. So from an economics standpoint if you lose 5.5 singular memberships or 3 family’s of four due to the kids being there the swim club takes a bit of a bath. Not to mention dealing with the other “typical white” people who don’t relinquish their membership but complain constantly.
This is all conjecture but I’m thinking from a economical and “dealing with bullshit” standpoint, you say let’s give the kids back their money, keep our “typical white” members happy that are our bread and butter. You cite crowd concerns/safety and that’s your alibi. Seems to work for me except maybe the alibi wasn’t airtight and you didn’t count on the national news coverage on your ass and the racist label hung over your Swim Club sign.
There really was no winning angle to be played here. Either lose money and reputation with your members and let the kids stay the summer or refund the money and take whatever the parents, media and Tyler Perry throw at you. It’s sad but the real wrong move was to invite the group at all. Every private swim club board in America has now been served up a lesson in how not to get into a Public Relations nightmare and possibly a $50,000 fine; don’t go out of your way to try and do a good deed and give some underprivileged youngsters a place to swim. So in effect what may seem like a win against racism and anti-civil rights actually just made it ten times harder to get underprivileged kids into nicer private swim clubs. It’s a double edged sword but it looks like the kids are at least going to get $50,000 minus lawyer fees. Hopefully it all goes right to a college education fund, I could get my Michael Phelps on with that scenario. Of course that’s not going to happen.
You know seems like every week I read or hear something in the about what is or is not good for your body that is completely contradictory of a previous medical study.
Yesterday it was that diet is indeed a factor in kids having Acne. The study suggests that a diet high in chocolate, potato chips and low in vegetables is linked to Acne. Which is complete bullshit because a potato chip comes from a potato which is a vegetable and they’re cooked in Vegetable oil. Previously I was told by the media and medical world that diet had nothing to do with acne and previous to that I was told to avoid chocolate and salty foods like potato chips.
I was told that a glass of wine a day was good for your heart which is great because I then convinced myself that beer has the same effect. Now a study comes out and says that any kind of alcohol for women increases their chance of breast cancer. Awesome.
Coffee is good for you… wait a minute coffee isn’t as good for you as they previously thought. An aspirin a day is beneficial to the heart… oh but wait a minute it’s not good for the stomach lining… or the heart possibly. Vitamin E prevents cancer.. oh but only in people that don’t already have cancer. Antioxidants are great for you… Vitamin C is great for you… You need to get a full days supply of Calcium. I’ve seen studies to the contrary on every single one of these things.
So what are we supposed to believe? The Scientists or the Scientists? Do we go by who got the more prestigious degree from the best known University? Pick out of a hat? Do you believe the one that best suits your needs, ie. I’m going to drink my glass of wine every night no matter what they say?
Who’s got the agenda and who is doing the actual non-biased work? I think in the 80’s the tobacco companies funded studies to conclude that smoking had no direct link to Cancer so one thing to look out for is who is funding the study. Another thing to look at is the sample size. If the study has 14 people taking Vitamin E and 13 taking a placebo you can’t really conclude anything except that you need a larger sample size. Another thing to look at is assumptions based on a study.
Consider this: One study suggests a link between drinking alcohol and developing lung cancer. However, the newscaster that reads the findings conveniently leaves out the fact that a good portion of people that drink alcohol also smoke cigarettes. Yes there may be a link but is alcohol a direct cause?
I think what i’m trying to say is that studies and statistics can be manipulated pretty much any way a person or entity wants. Take for instance a Phillies game where some obscure stat will be shown on the jumbo tron as a player walks up to bat: “Carlos Ruiz is hitting .421 in home day games with a runner on 2nd base when facing left handed pitching”. Now shorten that to Carlos Ruiz is hitting .421 and that’s essentially what we are being told about these medical studies in the media. The shocking statistic but none of the details.
The Award for Best Vidoe Never Shown On MTV goes to....
By: Billy BeerSlugger
I haven’t went out of my way to watch an MTV Movie or Video awards show since about 2002 or so. I was kind of taken aback on Sunday night around 1 or two am when I was drunkenly flipping through channels after a 3 day booze fest in Avalon NJ known as my friends wedding.
I couldn’t quite figure out what was going on as Beyonce had been given the award for best video and then they brought Taylor Swift out to give an acceptance speech. I didn’t know what was going on but later found out that Kanye West had burst on stage to make a scene when Taylor Swift was given another award and what I saw was a redo on her acceptance speech.
Now if you didn’t know this by now, Kanye West goes on stage and makes scenes at awards shows. He has done it numerous times, this time was the first time he was outraged on behalf of someone else instead of himself for not winning. Now the dude was wrong, he knows it (if it wasn’t a publicity stunt to begin with) but I’m not hating on him because this is what the guy does. If you don’t want him on stage then put a security guard on him or don’t invite him at all. He’s like a sex addict at an orgy, he just can’t help himself when it comes to these things.
I think the bigger issue here is that MTV chooses to still have a music video awards show at all. I haven’t seen a music video on MTV for years. I’m not sure when they play them.
Here’s a sample of what they have on tap today:
Engaged & Underage
Teen Cribs
Degrassi: The Next Generation
Parental Control
True Life: I’m a Bisexual
True Life: I’m Polyamrorous
Real World
Real World Reunion
The Bitch is Back: The Hills Preview
Daddy’s girls
How do you get off having a video awards and not show any fucking videos all day. How do the kids today know what video’s to vote on if they’ve never seen them? Or does MTV just pick them?
What they should do is scratch the MTV Video Awards and make the MTV Pseudo Scripted Reality Show Awards where Lauren Conrad, Kristen Cavalerri, Heidi Pratt and Whitney Port can duke it out for best female performance. Spoiled teens that are given material possessions in place of parenting battle for “Best Crib My Parent’s Bought”. You would have condom challenged girls vying for the prize of “Best Teenage Pregnancy”. Best Manufactured Drama Situation goes to…. I could go on and on but you get the point.
How are you a Network called Music Television and not show any music. That would be like a CNN (Cable News Network) showing reruns of sitcoms all day. It’s that ironic.
Someone told me that they play video’s on MTV2 or something but I can’t even find that noise on my cable box. What happened to the good old days when music mattered MTV? You used to be all about the Music. Now you’re just a 24 hour commercial and set a bad example for teenage behavior.