While Jimmy Fallon and his Late Night show is tryig to get a reunion together for Saved by the Bell on his show, Tiffany Amber Theissen has pretty much declined the invitation.
Now I know a ton of people will be enamored with this reunion if it actually happens but I could really give a shit less. Though one thing I just re-realized is that Tiffany Amber Theissen is still fucking hot.
Here’s her take on why she can’t make the reunion show.
Today, it was leaked to the media that Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz are on the list of roughly 100 players who tested positive for steroids in 2003, along with the previously reported Sammy Sosa, A-Rod, Bonds, etc etc. All the sudden it’s like my life and my TV have been rewound to 2 months ago, 5 months ago, a year ago, 4 years ago. I am so sick of having my blissful and endless sports watching interrupted by this bullshit every few months. For the next week I have to watch ESPN trot out a long line of anchors, commentators, and athletes screaming down at us from way up on their high horse about how the game has been disgraced, blah blah blah….over and over. Gammons, Phillips, Kurkjian, Kruk, Player X…rinse, and repeat. How does this affect their Hall of Fame chances? Will you vote for him? Polls, followups, E:60 and Outside the Lines with Bob Ley. Same questions, same answers, over and over. It’s like a bad nightmare that keeps repeating once you fall back asleep. Finally, you aren’t scared anymore, you are just bored. I am not surprised anymore, nor do I care in the least little bit. I do not fucking care. At all.
All I care about is that I am forced to listen to a multi-media blitz of bullshit. It’s making my favorite channel unwatchable, and it pisses me off. The thing that really gets me is that someone is leaking this information strategically; every couple of months new names come out that should not be out, as the ‘list’ is in the hands of the FBI and supposedly is on double top secret probation. Except that someone who has access to the list is doling out one or two names at a time. Whoever it is obviously is very smart, and and very vindictive. They know that the best way to hurt MLB and each player on the list is to give them the slow drip of Chinese water torture every few months. Someone didn’t happen across the list in Stu Scott’s trash can, and it’s not written on bathroom stall wall- otherwise all the names would be out, and whoever it is hasn’t been fired or caught, or left a trail, or anything. Different sources get the scoop each time, so that tells me that they don’t even know who is leaking the information to them.
The most amazing thing is that the people who are getting outed are the ones who have most recently came out and said something to the effect that they didn’t do ‘roids, or that people should be punished who did do them, etc. Sosa, Ramirez, Papi, ARod, Bonds…all of them denied it, and this guy is obviously trying to make them look silly. It makes you wonder whether the next bomb will be Pujols or Ichiro. But really, I don’t think I am the only one who is sick of it, or has stopped caring who cheated and who didn’t. You can’t keep an entire generation out of the HOF. There was the live ball era, the dead ball era, and now there’s the steroid era, and stats and records fluctuated as such each time. I think its pretty dumb that record holders, players with great careers steroids or not, are not in or may never get in. The records stand as far as MLB is concerned, so the voters should recognize those who set them.
Ugh. I am tired of writing about this, or thinking about it, or watching it on TV. Why doesn’t ESPN come out with an ESPNLegal channel for all this shit? Keep the games separate from everything else- ‘roids, trials, Vick, Burress, and Brett fucking Favre. See which one has the higher ratings. I bet I know which one
Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz names were just released as persons who tested positive for Performance Enhancing Drugs back in 2003. SHOCKER! However, this was an anonymous test and I’m not sure how anonymous test results can be traced back to a person. Apparently this is the same anonymous testing that led to the outing of A-Rod as a doper. There are 100 names on the list and I’m not sure how many names have gotten out or how they were leaked but if I were an MLB player and i submitted to an anonymous drug test by my employer then was subjected to scrutiny about said drug test I would be a little pissed off. “Hey XYZ player we’re doing random drug tests and we’d like you to submit to one and no one will ever know the results. We just want to see the extent of players using PED’s as a whole.”. Well that shit got out. Someone’s responsible and needs to be held accountable. I think the public is pretty tired of hearing that this star or that slugger was on roids, it’s been covered, reported, been to Congress and it’s abundantly clear that the MLB has had a problem with steroids and such.
If there’s 100 names on the list, either release all 100 at the same time or release none (like you told the players that you would). Don’t leak out 2 or 3 names every two months to drum up ratings for sports news so we can go over the steroid issue again…. and again….. and again. I’m don’t pretend to be an expert on the situation but if the players were told the results were anonymous and now names are being attached to those anonymous results then the players union should sue the MLB. Do what you say and say what you mean.
The MLB had no problem making billions of dollars during the steroid era and looking the other way, now the MLB is vilifying players that it once championed in an atmosphere that it created or allowed to happen. Where is the accountability of ownership for letting the problem spiral out of control? Where are owners and GM’s in front of Congress testifying? Where is the scrutiny upon the MLB labor agreements during the steroid era for not putting in steroid testing when the NFL and NBA had them.
This isn’t just the players’ fault and in a time where players are being disected for saying one thing and doing another, where is the outrage over the MLB allowing names to be leaked from an anonymous test.
Get past the “Who did steroids/hgh” question and ask the more important question, “Why was it allowed to happen and why wasn’t anyone in the MLB willing to stop it?”.
A source within the Philadelphia Phillies organization has just told me that the Phillies will acquire Cleveland Indians Pitcher and 2008 Cy Young award winner Cliff Lee and a right handed bat for Carlos Carrasco, Jason Donald, Lou Marson and Jason Knapp.
The move gives the Phils two top line starters along with a streaking Joe Blanton and Jamie Moyer without giving up J.A. Happ and putting to bed the uncertainty at the 5th starter position occupied by Rodrigo Lopez and Antionio Bastardo since Brett Myers went down with a hip injury.
The move does not stop their talks with the Blue jays for Roy Halladay since they still have J.A. Happ and Tommy John surgery wunderkind Kyle Drabek, however, the deal seemsa lot less likely now that the Phils have somewhat depleted their farm system.
Is this the move the Phils needed to make to give themselves a shot at defensing their World Series title? Only time will tell but adding a Cy Young award and 20+ game winner from last year certainly can’t hurt at this point.
Jim Johnson and Andy Reid came to Philadelphia together in 1999 and began a partnership which would last for the next 10 years. 10 years that included 5 NFC Championships, a Super Bowl appearance and as arguably as dominant a defense in the league for that time period. 2nd in sacks and 5th in scoring defense and sending 25 plus defensive players to the Pro Bowl.
What’s lost in the Eagles decade of success is exactly what we lost yesterday, Jim Johnson. Yes Jim got some credit for being a great and innovative defensive coordinator but Andy Reid as Head Coach would get most of the credit. Andy Reid intimated yesterday in the news conference announcing Johnson’s death that Jim was as much a part of the success of the Eagles as anyone else in the organization. I may go one step further and say he was more important than Andy Reid to the Eagles.
In the early part of the 2000’s, the Eagles defense (along with exceptional Field Goal % from David Akers) kept them in and won them many games. Guys like Bobby Taylor, Troy Vincent, Brian Dawkins, Hugh Douglas and Jerimiah Trotter were more responsible for W’s than the offense (sorry D-Nabb). Having the 5th best scoring defense in the league for the decade can hide a lot of inconsistencies on offense and there were inconsistencies early on (though not a lot of talent besides McNabb and Staley on the Offensive side of the ball). Point being that the Eagles won and they won ugly early on in Johnson’s tenure.
A turnover on the defensive side in 2003 when he lost middle linebacker Jeremiah Trotter and in 2004 when Bobby Taylor, and Troy Vincent were replaced and Jim Johnson didn’t lose a beat, going to the NFC championship and Super Bowl those seasons. Though after Trotter left the defensive run stopping was somewhat suspect with Barry Gardner, Levon Kirkland and undersized Mark Simenau.
He chose to stay in Philadelphia as one of the highest paid coordinators in the league instead of becoming a head coach where he consistently made offenses look confused and bewildered from pressure. A bend-don’t break philosophy that limited bug plays from opponents and while the defense would occasionally misfire, Johnson’s defenses speak for themselves. Brian Dawkins called him tailor-made to coach in Philadelphia and many other players and coaches called him instrumental in their careers.
A defensive mind that should probably be more beloved in Philadelphia than Buddy Ryan. A guy that carried himself as a gentleman and treated his players as men and not employees. A guy who drew up blitzes on cocktail napkins at hotel bars. A guy who got more out of his players than they knew they had. A guy that has a coaching tree that will someday rival Bill Walsh it seems and from what I’ve gathered one of the finer human beings on the planet for 68 or so years.
For a working class town Jim Johnson is your working class hero on the sidelines and someone not soon forgotten.
I was checking my fantasy baseball team last night and saw an advertisement from ARALifestyle.com placed on one of my players pages. Now never mind the fact that I can’t stand having advertisements on a fantasy baseball site that I already pay to use, but given the backlash against HGH, Steroids and other performing enhancing drugs doesn’t CBS Sports have a moral obligation to monitor what kind of advertisements they are displaying on their website?
I mean isn’t an advertisement telling you to “Revitalize your health with human growth hormone.” and “New development builds muscle legally.” kind of the antithesis of what CBS Sports should stand for? Isn’t it hypocritical for CBS Sports to report on athletes getting suspended for using PED’s and then turn around and sell them indirectly on their website?
I think so.
note: this image is a screenshot and has not been modified in any way besides circling in red the content I wanted to spotlight.
I had this beer yesterday during brunch. I’m not particularly fond of Wheat beers but this was a nice compliment to my Eggs Benedict at the lovely St. Stephen’s Green.
You can definitely taste the Apricot, it’s a very fruity tasting beer, not one I would grab a case of but a tasty beer when paired with the right food.
Our easy drinking wheat beer is light in color and body … perfect for those looking for a lighter taste. The combination of wheat and barley give our Apricot Wheat a different malt character than any of our other ales. The hint of apricot gives this beer a fruity finish, making it a fun beer to drink.
Currently available in 12 ounce bottles and draft.
When did it become en vouge to take a girl as a date to a Phillies game? If this was 2003 and you asked a girl to go to the Phillies game with you instead of the old dinner/drinks/movie routine the girl would probably look at you like you’re out of your mind. Kind of like getting your wife a bowling ball for her birthday.
I was perusing a dating website today while nursing a pretty bad hangover and every other girl listed a Phillies game as some place they would like to go to on a first date. I think up until about a two years ago girls viewed baseball as extremely boring and one of the last places they would want to be on a hot summer night would be a baseball stadium.
So what happened? The Phillies win the World Series and all of a sudden a Phillies game becomes a preferred place for a date? I’ll admit it’s a lot more exciting when the Phils are winning instead of toiling in the basement but why does that factor into a woman’s decision to now want to go to a baseball game? I don’t get it.
Now I know that some girls really do like to go to ballgame’s no matter what place the phils are in but it’s few and far between. I think you may have seen this same phenomenon in the early 2000’s when the Sixers were competitive. Girls wanted to go to Sixers game to see Allen Iverson and the Philles do have some stars on their team now that women want to go out and see. But ask a girl to go to a Sixers game now and she may think you’re crazy.
You don't have to drink the Cool Aid if you don't want to.
By: W.J. BeerSlugger
You know, as far as I can tell, the United States is the only country in the world to allow direct marketing of prescription medicine to the general public through television, radio and print ad’s. You may have previously read my take on Cialis which takes on the advertising aspect in a funny way or Latisse which I think for 99% of cases is unnecessary but I think this article will take a more serious turn.
The fact that we spent 291 Billion dollars last year on prescription drugs says a lot about where we are as a nation. It’s big business, they have lobbyists like any other big business and they get away with a little more just like big business. Now I’m not here going all Scientology on you and telling you that prescription medications are bad and all you need is a good diet and exercise because there are a lot of great drugs out there that help people immensely, that are keeping people alive. I don’t have a problem with the Pharmaceutical Industry until I see a prescription medication commercial on my TV.
I really don’t care if it’s Ambien, Mucinex, Lunesta, Allegra, Viagra, Valtrex, Yaz, Zymbalta or whatever, I hate these commercials as much as I hate tampon commercials. Why? Because the symptoms of the ailment they describe are so broad, the side effects are listed quite graphically and is it really worth having a dry mouth, a decrease in semen and possible loss of continence just to curb your restless leg syndrome?
What really gets me is that these “Products” are being market to you and I like McDonald’s or Coca Cola when they are actually pretty serious business. “Ask you doctor about XYZ drug and see if it’s right for you”. I mean what’s wrong with that statement? Shouldn’t you intimate to your doctor what kind of symptoms you may be having and then the doctor make a recommendation, if applicable, for a prescription medicine? Isn’t that why the doctors went to medical school, to be able to figure this stuff out?
Instead you have patients going into examination rooms recommending the doctor put them on a medicine before the doctor even knows what’s wrong. Millions of patients playing armchair physician because a TV ad has them convinced they need such and such medication.
That’s what’s wrong with this situation. When you go out to eat you don’t tell the Chef how to cook, when you go to the mechanic you don’t tell the mechanic how to fix your car so why are people telling their doctors why they need certain medications without being a medical professional themselves?
It used to be that Prescription Medication commercials were allowed but you didn’t know what they were, now you know what they are, what they do,what the side effects are and why you shouldn’t take said medication if you have a history of liver or kidney disease, are pregnant or will become pregnant or have uncontrolled glaucoma. Drug companies are putting medication literature that used to be reserved for doctors into places like the Readers Digest and magazines. It seems the Pharmaceutical Industry wants you to make the choice instead of your doctor and why not?… you’re pretty smart right.
Drug Companies are aware of IQs and know that only a small percentage of the population are accepted into Med School. They understand that if they want to sell more of their product, they must advertise to create a new market. Millions of dollars go into research and development of these drugs and of course they want to make a profit, after all this is America.
If it were up to me, I’d take the drug commercials off TV and print ads and leave the doctoring up to the professionals. That’s not going to happen though, not while millions and millions of dollars are at stake for the Pharmaceutical Industry and not while they keep pouring money into Washington lobbyists.
I’m surprised I haven’t seen an ad for this yet but here’s my Ritalin commercial:
“Is your child a little too rambunctious, does he or she get easily distracted in school, have you noticed a change in grades or attitude, do they seem hyperactive at times? Ask your doctor if Ritalin can help.”
That commercial along with some vivid imagery of children behaving while still having fun would probably up the sales of Ritalin at least 25-30%.