By: W.J. BeerSlugger
We’ve been at this since the middle of February and this is in fact the 100th post on the site. I was going to do some sort of retrospective on the posts to this date but you can just go back and read them if you havent already. Some were good, some were bad but overall I think we’ve come a long way in 3 months. We introduced the BeerSlugger.com t-shirt (online ordering will be available shortly) and even got into the modeling business.
However, this post isn’t about BeerSlugger.com, it’s about you the reader. Thanks for logging on and reading this bullshit. It does take time to write these articles and thanks for bearing with the grammatical mistakes and posts that may have been over your head or not explained well enough. We’re working on those things but sometimes we write drunk and it’s a wonder anything makes sense at all. Did you ever think something is so interesting or such a good idea when you’re drunk and then you wake up the next day and you’re like “What was I thinking?”. We’ve had some of those moments on and off the site. Stick with us though, we’re gonna get through this.
So here’s what we know about you BeerSlugger reader. You go on BeerSlugger.com from work, an escape from the monotony of your Mon-Fri, 9-5. Occasionally you may check in on a Sunday afternoon if you missed it on Friday but primarily you’re a weekday warrior when it comes to BeerSlugger.com.
Traffic trends suggest that you don’t log in on Wednesday as much as any other week day for whatever reason. Good for you for getting actual work done on Wednesday (hump day) and not rotting your brain looking at this site. You probably got an “Atta Boy!” and a pat on the back from your boss for all the great work you do on Wednesday. We salute you as well. We may just take Wednesday off and get drunk if you guys aren’t going to log on on Wednesday’s.
Trends also suggest that you log on in great number on Mondays and Fridays. We’re always there for you on a hungover Monday at the office or on Friday when you get absolutely no work done and skip out early. We’re glad to be a part of that.
You probably like beer (and who doesn’t). We’re going to profile more beers as this was one of the original intentions of the site. We have some ideas of touring local breweries and profiling a bunch of their beers (hopefully getting some free beer to take home). It will be like when Mr. Rogers took a tour of the Crayon Factory only we won’t be wearing a blazer and we will be getting drunk.
You probably think some of the stories are remotely interesting or you wouldn’t log on again and again (yea we’re tracking IP addresses that’s how we know). Maybe you like the science and technology posts, maybe you like the beer posts, maybe you like some of the funny stories. We’ll strive to bring you better and better stories on the next 100 posts. And hey if you have a story you want to put on BeerSlugger.com please email it to info@beerslugger.com. We’ll put that shit up there. You gotta come up with a cool name though, I’ll give you some examples, “Dick Stickly” or “Jack Lumber”. Get creative, go nutzzzz.
So overall, thank you. Tell your friends, your co workers, your mom and dad about BeerSlugger.com and please email us with any suggestions.
W.J. BeerSlugger