By: Billy BeerSlugger
What is it about the shore that makes women get loose? Is it the sea air, the salt water, the extended exposure to the sun?
There’s verifiable scientific evidence that girls get a little more rowdy, make out and spread their legs a little easier at the beach.
Does sand and sun give a girl the license to slut it up a little bit? To be fair, men seem to go through the same phenomenon but being that there is a terrible double standard that occurs when it comes to men and women being promiscuous, we’ll focus on the women, because they are ultimately the ones that have to agree to fornication.
Can some girls clue me into what’s going on here? You know you’re not as apt to get crazy at a bar in Philly as you are in Sea Isle or Avalon or if you’re white trash, Wildwood. Does being on a beach all day looking at scantily clad people peak your sex drive? Does the beach hold mystical powers? Does the same lunar force that moves the ocean tide also make panties drop a little easier?
I’m convinced something is going on besides the level of inebriation. Even the the “Mom” friend that usually won’t leave the bar without ALL her girls is more apt to allow a girlfriend to be kidnapped by a good enough looking man as well as get laid out on her back later on that night by a stranger.
Whatever it is… Thank You GOD!