By: Gene Yuss
I cialis order am going to start off that this is not necessarily a business policy, but a phenomenon that I viagra professional have seen in the business world. None-the-less it is something that I have seen in office restrooms around the world and it absolutely drives me crazy.
I don’t make it a habit to notice what people do or don’t do when they are in the bathroom. I like to think of that as some special private time to break up the normal business day. However, I have noticed an alarming growth in the amount of people walking to the sink with their pants completely undone. It is as if men have peaked at their bathroom prowess in the second grade. Remember when you used to pull your pants down to your knees (some of you ankles) and then hold your shirt up? Don’t act like you didn’t do it…
Businessmen seem to think that the only way to can go to the bathroom is by unbuttoning their pants, undoing their belt, and then going over the top of their underwear. Do these people not realize that the zipper and the slit in their underwear line up perfectly for an easy exit? People have spent hundreds of years developing fashion that is both useful and aesthetically pleasing. Needing to completely take down your pants to urinate is a slap in the face of Mugatu and company. There is no need to do anything further then unzip, pop out, and do your business.
Do you really expect me take your seriously in our 10 AM meeting when you go to the bathroom like a toddler? If you are yet to master the art of the trouser, then how am I supposed to believe you can retrocede a stop-loss aggregate? Absolutely no chance.
Men please listen. Pee like an adult. We need to improve our bathroom behavior in general. Other suggestions, which will not be elaborated upon here, are simply:
- Urinate in a urinal and sit at the toilet. Period.
- If you get stage fright and insist on urinating in the toilet, then put the seat up for the benefit of people behind you that plan on sitting.
- Whoever is balling up toilet paper and throwing it in the corner, please just drop it in the toilet.
- Don’t be afraid to write a phone number or quick haiku on the wall. Why is this the only thing we have improved upon?
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