By: Billy BeerSlugger
It’s hard for me to get worked up about California wildfires. First of all, this happens every year, there’s some massive widespread fire that threatens thousands of houses in California and always seems to happen at the close of summer ostensibly after the brush has dried up and is more susceptible to going up like a tinder box.
Not that I don’t feel for the people that have or may lose their house in these fires but seriously why don’t you just move out of harms way once and for all. Granted you might be a little farther away from L.A. than you want but you may not have to deal with wildfires every September.
For as much shit as Californian’s and everyone else who slurps the state talks about how beautiful it is there you really don’t hear a peep from those people during the borderline natural disasters that happen every year. Between wildfires and earthquakes every year the mass media has me trying to feel bad for all these people and their Million Dollar homes who pretend to be better than me for living in California under the sun and surf…. and wildfires. Instead of focusing on the people who lost their house can I get a story about some smart people who actually moved away from wildfire alley?
You know how there’s Hurricane season? Well this is Wildfire season for California, lets not pretend like this is a surprise development newscasters. You knew this was coming. Come up with some sort of early warning system for the poor souls who still desire to live next to acres of kindling so they can spray their houses down with some sort of anti-flamatory resin and get the fuck out of Dodge.
Besides, Wildfires are a part of natures cycle in that region, in fact Fire is an essential part of most wildland ecosystems. Things become overgrown, there’s lightening or some other event that sparks a fire, shit goes up in flames and begins a rebirth period, removing dead organic material from the area and releasing nutrients from mature plants back into the soil so that new plants may take up root.
The only things that is not natural in this process is that man has taken up residence in these areas and is trying to delay the inevitable.
Or maybe nature is colluding against us like in the M. Night Shyamalan movie The Happening. Man what a terrible movie. Talk about a guy who peaked too early. The guys career looks like the second half of a Bell Curve. But I still got love for you Shyamalan. Keep making shitty movies in the Philadelphia area.