By: Billy BeerSlugger
I know I get worked up about some issues that in the grand scheme of things really don’t matter. I can’t help it and I’m using this website as sort of a therapy session. If I write down the things that are bothering me I feel a whole bunch better inside. Anywhoodle, I’m at the bar last night, wasted, and i just can’t get over the 3 or 4 dudes in the bar that have their collars popped. I was pretty sure that this fad had died out around 2005 or maybe thats just when I exited the college scene.
I never really got the whole poppin’ of collars. What are you really trying to accomplish? Are you trying to imitate Count Chocula or something, cause that cereal spokesperson got soooo much cartoon ass right? I’ve read that rappers have done this as well and as we all know, anything that is deemed cool in black culture will without a doubt be copied by white people trying to look “fresh”.
A bunch of my hip fraternity brothers did this back in the day, some wearing two or more polo’s and popping them all. Wearing a pink or pastel polo with the collar popped somehow was supposed to convey to freshman girls that they were comfortable with their sexuality or something. However, every sixth word out of their mouths was faggot so I’m sure that was a little contradictory.
So here’s what I’m trying to tell you cool guy, just don’t do it. I’ll be the first one to commend you on expressing your individuality but you can’t do so by rocking a misguided fashion faux pas from 5 years ago. You just look like a retard. Put your collar down and really “bro”…. pink is not a good color for you.