Steroid Overload

espnBy: Bones

Today, it was leaked to the media that Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz are on the list of roughly 100 players who tested positive for steroids in 2003, along with the previously reported Sammy Sosa, A-Rod, Bonds, etc etc. All the sudden it’s like my life and my TV have been rewound to 2 months ago, 5 months ago, a year ago, 4 years ago. I am so sick of having my blissful and endless sports watching interrupted by this bullshit every few months. For the next week I have to watch ESPN trot out a long line of anchors, commentators, and athletes screaming down at us from way up on their high horse about how the game has been disgraced, blah blah blah….over and over. Gammons, Phillips, Kurkjian, Kruk, Player X…rinse, and repeat. How does this affect their Hall of Fame chances? Will you vote for him? Polls, followups, E:60 and Outside the Lines with Bob Ley. Same questions, same answers, over and over. It’s like a bad nightmare that keeps repeating once you fall back asleep. Finally, you aren’t scared anymore, you are just bored. I am not surprised anymore, nor do I care in the least little bit. I do not fucking care. At all.

All I care about is that I am forced to listen to a multi-media blitz of bullshit. It’s making my favorite channel unwatchable, and it pisses me off. The thing that really gets me is that someone is leaking this information strategically; every couple of months new names come out that should not be out, as the ‘list’ is in the hands of the FBI and supposedly is on double top secret probation. Except that someone who has access to the list is doling out one or two names at a time. Whoever it is obviously is very smart, and and very vindictive. They know that the best way to hurt MLB and each player on the list is to give them the slow drip of Chinese water torture every few months. Someone didn’t happen across the list in Stu Scott’s trash can, and it’s not written on bathroom stall wall- otherwise all the names would be out, and whoever it is hasn’t been fired or caught, or left a trail, or anything. Different sources get the scoop each time, so that tells me that they don’t even know who is leaking the information to them.

The most amazing thing is that the people who are getting outed are the ones who have most recently came out and said something to the effect that they didn’t do ‘roids, or that people should be punished who did do them, etc. Sosa, Ramirez, Papi, ARod, Bonds…all of them denied it, and this guy is obviously trying to make them look silly. It makes you wonder whether the next bomb will be Pujols or Ichiro. But really, I don’t think I am the only one who is sick of it, or has stopped caring who cheated and who didn’t. You can’t keep an entire generation out of the HOF. There was the live ball era, the dead ball era, and now there’s the steroid era, and stats and records fluctuated as such each time. I think its pretty dumb that record holders, players with great careers steroids or not, are not in or may never get in. The records stand as far as MLB is concerned, so the voters should recognize those who set them.

Ugh. I am tired of writing about this, or thinking about it, or watching it on TV. Why doesn’t ESPN come out with an ESPNLegal channel for all this shit? Keep the games separate from everything else- ‘roids, trials, Vick, Burress, and Brett fucking Favre. See which one has the higher ratings. I bet I know which one

Is CBS Sports peddling HGH?

By: Billy BeerSluggerhgh

I was checking my fantasy baseball team last night and saw an advertisement from placed on one of my players pages. Now never mind the fact that I can’t stand having advertisements on a fantasy baseball site that I already pay to use, but given the backlash against HGH, Steroids and other performing enhancing drugs doesn’t CBS Sports have a moral obligation to monitor what kind of advertisements they are displaying on their website?

I mean isn’t an advertisement telling you to “Revitalize your health with human growth hormone.” and “New development builds muscle legally.” kind of the antithesis of what CBS Sports should stand for? Isn’t it hypocritical for CBS Sports to report on athletes getting suspended for using PED’s and then turn around and sell them indirectly on their website?

I think so.

note: this image is a screenshot and has not been modified in any way besides circling in red the content I wanted to spotlight.

The Pharmaceutical Industry

You don't have to drink the Cool Aid if you don't want to.

By: W.J. BeerSlugger

You know, as far as I can tell, the United States is the only country in the world to allow direct marketing of prescription medicine to the general public through television, radio and print ad’s.  You may have previously read my take on Cialis which takes on the advertising aspect in a funny way or Latisse which I think for 99% of cases is unnecessary but I think this article will take a more serious turn.

The fact that we spent 291 Billion dollars last year on prescription drugs says a lot about where we are as a nation.  It’s big business, they have lobbyists like any other big business and they get away with a little more just like big business.  Now I’m not here going all Scientology on you and telling you that prescription medications are bad and all you need is a good diet and exercise because there are a lot of great drugs out there that help people immensely, that are keeping people alive.  I don’t have a problem with the Pharmaceutical Industry until I see a prescription medication commercial on my TV.

I really don’t care if it’s Ambien, Mucinex, Lunesta,  Allegra, Viagra, Valtrex, Yaz, Zymbalta or whatever, I hate these commercials as much as I hate tampon commercials.  Why? Because the symptoms of the ailment they describe are so broad, the side effects are listed quite graphically and is it really worth having a dry mouth, a decrease in semen and possible loss of continence just to curb your restless leg syndrome?

What really gets me is that these “Products” are being market to you and I like McDonald’s or Coca Cola when they are actually pretty serious business.  “Ask you doctor about XYZ drug and see if it’s right for you”.  I mean what’s wrong with that statement?  Shouldn’t you intimate to your doctor what kind of symptoms you may be having and then the doctor make a recommendation, if applicable, for a prescription medicine? Isn’t that why the doctors went to medical school, to be able to figure this stuff out?

Instead you have patients going into examination rooms recommending the doctor put them on a medicine before the doctor even knows what’s wrong.  Millions of patients playing armchair physician because a TV ad has them convinced they need such and such medication.

That’s what’s wrong with this situation.  When you go out to eat you don’t tell the Chef how to cook, when you go to the mechanic you don’t tell the mechanic how to fix your car so why are people telling their doctors why they need certain medications without being a medical professional themselves?

It used to be that Prescription Medication commercials were allowed but you didn’t know what they were, now you know what they are, what they do,what the side effects are and why you shouldn’t take said medication if you have a history of liver or kidney disease, are pregnant or will become pregnant or have uncontrolled glaucoma.  Drug companies are putting medication literature that used to be reserved for doctors into places like the Readers Digest and magazines.  It seems the Pharmaceutical Industry wants you to make the choice instead of your doctor and why not?…  you’re pretty smart right.

Drug Companies are aware of IQs and know that only a small percentage of the population are accepted into Med School. They understand that if they want to sell more of their product, they must advertise to create a new market. Millions of dollars go into research and development of these drugs and of course they want to make a profit, after all this is America.

If it were up to me, I’d take the drug commercials off TV and print ads and leave the doctoring up to the professionals. That’s not going to happen though, not while millions and millions of dollars are at stake for the Pharmaceutical Industry and not while they keep pouring money into Washington lobbyists.

I’m surprised I haven’t seen an ad for this yet but here’s my Ritalin commercial:

“Is your child a little too rambunctious, does he or she get easily distracted in school,  have you noticed a change in grades or attitude, do they seem hyperactive at times?  Ask your doctor if Ritalin can help.”

That commercial along with some vivid imagery of children behaving while still having fun would probably up the sales of Ritalin at least 25-30%.

Intercourse: Mt. Joy Light Pilsner

intercourseBy: Billy BeerSlugger

I was in the beer store yesterday and was going to go economy style and essentially get the cheapest beer in there for the Home Run Derby.  I went in the cooler and picked up a case of something or other Light then I saw a sign on a stack of cases of beer for $14.  I’m open to change and we picked up a case of Intercourse Brewery’s Mount Joy Light Pilsner.  This beer was marked down from $30 a case and probably had been sitting in the store for an extended period of time but you gotta roll with the punches.

So once you get past the novelty of a beer called “Intercourse” and start drinking it, I was amazed.  What a truly great session beer. Little to no carbonation which is something I look for in a beer, extremely smooth and no aftertaste.

What was supposed to be a friend and I sitting around and watching the Home Run Derby and drinking a couple of beers turned into the whole case of empty bottles sitting on the kitchen counter this morning.

This beer is brewed and bottled in Wilkes Barre and as far as I can tell only available in Philadelphia and surrounding counties. The Brand is named after Intercourse PA, a town near Lancaster which I’ve actually seen signs for before while traveling on the Turnpike.

I found this case of beer for a steal for $14 + tax at Beer City on E. Girard Ave. i highly recommend you get a case and sample it yourself, just leave a case or two for me. is the shoddily put together website.

Beer Advocate rates it overall as a B-

4.2% Alcohol by Volume

Texts From Last Night

By: Billy BeerSlugger

You know I was originally enthralled at the time wasting entertainment website called  I would go on there and have a good laugh about text messages of drunken adventures and other generally comical happenings.

However, something clicked inside my head recently that I’m pretty sure I’m not going to follow TFLN as closely anymore and it’s not because I want to stop wasting time and be more productive or any crap like that.

I think I’m a little aghast at peering inside the text messages of girls talking to their girlfriends.  Man jokes like ” I think she just tried to waterboard me with her vagina” and “Her vagina looked like Bernie Madoff ” are hilarious to me.  I get them because I’m a man and this is the way I also think.  I’ve been on the sending and receiving end of these kinds of texts and my friends and I get a good chuckle out of them.  The text messages about drunken behavior not remembered by the person who did it is funny regardless of sex.

However, what I can’t look past anymore is the glimpse into Girls talking to other girls about what slutty situation precluded getting jizz in her hair or how they have to get a pregnancy test or how big their crap was.  Some things it’s better that men just aren’t privy to.

Now I know the HBO series Sex and the City kind of broke barriers in terms of the new millennium “Girl Talk” and ushered in a sort of sexual revolution where it’s a little more socially accepted for women to be a little promiscuous.  I’m not against girls getting what they want, sexually or otherwise but I’d rather not read or hear about the more disgusting and pig-like scenarios of the gender that is supposed to be better than men in that department.  I talked to a couple of girls and they say that they talk sort of like men when we’re not around.  A little more raunchy, a little less reserved, a little more Sex and the City.

So this brings me back to my revelation about the other day and why I’m semi-boycotting it.  All these girls and all their slutty stories about getting jizz in their hair and banging random dudes and broken moral compasses just make me sad. WHY?  Because someone is going to marry these girls, one of these girls I may date unsuspectingly.  It makes me a little angry to think that if I ever do get married, some douchebag could be roasting my future wife at this very moment and the funny story from it I could be reading on in my not so free time.  Who’s laughing then?

It may be a little bit hypocritical to like the guy sex stories and hate the girl sex stories but I just expect better out of women…. and if you’re a woman, you should too.

What was the Business World Thinking?! (Article 2)

Do you really expect me to take you seriously after seeing this?
Do you really expect me to take you seriously after seeing this?

By: Gene Yuss

I cialis order am going to start off that this is not necessarily a business policy, but a phenomenon that I viagra professional have seen in the business world.  None-the-less it is something that I have seen in office restrooms around the world and it absolutely drives me crazy.

I don’t make it a habit to notice what people do or don’t do when they are in the bathroom.  I like to think of that as some special private time to break up the normal business day.  However, I have noticed an alarming growth in the amount of people walking to the sink with their pants completely undone.  It is as if men have peaked at their bathroom prowess in the second grade.  Remember when you used to pull your pants down to your knees (some of you ankles) and then hold your shirt up?  Don’t act like you didn’t do it…

Businessmen seem to think that the only way to can go to the bathroom is by unbuttoning their pants, undoing their belt, and then going over the top of their underwear.  Do these people not realize that the zipper and the slit in their underwear line up perfectly for an easy exit?  People have spent hundreds of years developing fashion that is both useful and aesthetically pleasing.  Needing to completely take down your pants to urinate is a slap in the face of Mugatu and company.  There is no need to do anything further then unzip, pop out, and do your business.

Do you really expect me take your seriously in our 10 AM meeting when you go to the bathroom like a toddler?  If you are yet to master the art of the trouser, then how am I supposed to believe you can retrocede a stop-loss aggregate?  Absolutely no chance.

Men please listen.  Pee like an adult.  We need to improve our bathroom behavior in general.  Other suggestions, which will not be elaborated upon here, are simply:

  • Urinate in a urinal and sit at the toilet.  Period.
  • If you get stage fright and insist on urinating in the toilet, then put the seat up for the benefit of people behind you that plan on sitting.
  • Whoever is balling up toilet paper and throwing it in the corner, please just drop it in the toilet.
  • Don’t be afraid to write a phone number or quick haiku on the wall.  Why is this the only thing we have improved upon?

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What was the Business World Thinking?! (Article 1)

Spoonie Booking us a Tee-Time


By: Gene Yuss






As previously indicated in a prior article, I work in Big Business.  I love the smell of commerce in the morning.  I’m currently stationed on Wall Street for a project.  Yes I consult – I’m a problem solver.

  I stay in nice hotels, eat at lavish restaurants, and rub elbows with executives.


In the course of wheeling and dealing I come across some things that completely blow my mind.  I can’t fathom what exactly the genius that made the decision was thinking…  This will be the first of a weekly series that will air these grievances (I’m aware it is very “Grinds My Gears”-esque… Deal with it).


You will recognize my rise to power as these grievances become fixed.  Someone has to bring some logic to this topsy-turvy world that we live in!




For those of you that are unaware, there is a certain protocol that businesspeople have to follow when attempting to place a call in an office building.  You must first dial “9” to get out of the building connections, then “1” for the long distance, and finally the number you intend to call.


Twice in my life I have had an extremely unpleasant result from placing a call while in the office.  These incidents were extremely uncalled for and could have undoubtedly been avoided.


Picture this: you need to call the Ritz in Boston to make sure the simpleton at the concierge desk properly arranged for your suite.  You dial “9”, then “1”, and then you unexplainably sneeze on queue and press the “1” again.  The natural reaction is to realize your error, hang up and place the call again.  You have just inadvertently crank-called 911.


The cities of Denver and New York (New York being a week or so ago) have both felt the wrath of a 911 crank-call from myself.


Denver: Three years ago.  The police responded in record time.  There were five cop cars that arrived to the office within 10 minutes.  Several of them stormed the office building and eventually made their way to the conference room that I was stationed in.  I was still speaking with my supervisor at the time, but the phone call was unfortunately cut short by the irate questioning of Denver’s finest.  They appreciated my honesty and left glad to have a potential crisis averted.


New York:  Apparently in the wake of 9/11 and during an economic crisis the NYPD has trouble finding the lighter side of certain situations.  Accompanied by a team of secret service / SWAT / miscellaneous security personnel, New York’s finest stormed the office on Pine Street.  The first two officers had their guns drawn and swept the floor while the supporting cast locked down the elevator area.  I explained what happened and attempted to crack a joke about them over-pursuing a perpetrator like Enos chasing the General Lee.  I didn’t even get a chuckle!



Why does the first number have to be “9”?  Why are we setting ourselves up for this disaster?  We could have probably used any of the other numbers and not created this possibility for disaster.  Granted that “1” wouldn’t make very much sense for redundancy and “0” is dedicated for the operator, but that leaves seven other numbers that are all great choices.


211 – information about local health and human services

311 – information about government services

411 – white pages phone directory

511 – provides transportation information (traffic, public transportation, etc.)

611 – used to report problems with telephone services

711 – a relay service that allows deaf people to converse over the phone through an operator

811 – a direct line to your telephone company that is providing your current service


Taking these current conventions into consideration, the obvious choices are “6” and “7”.


“6” would probably be my first choice.  Obviously if you are having a problem with your telephone service, then CALLING the company to tell them is going to be difficult.  For those of you that have another phone, cell phone, stripper that lets you borrow her mobile, etc. than you can simply call 811 or the company’s designated 1-800 number.  Also, “6” looks very similar to “9” so the transition should be seamless.  However, “6” is close to “9” on the keypad and really leaves open the possibility of a miss-key.  Yet, being the first number dialed you should recognize your mistake well before striking a second “1”.


“7” is also a great choice.  I vote this second simply because someone somewhere is going to freak out that we are taking away rights from the handicapped.  While I prefer to avoid such arguments, I’m not going to turn a blind eye to this one (zing!).  With all of the technology and telecommunications in the world that we have today there is absolutely no need for a deaf person to rely on the telephone.  The mere thought of this is incredulous.  I called the company while I was writing this article to get further information.  They were furious that I was not deaf and using their service.  I started responding “What?!” every time they asked something and they hung up on me.  Again my humor was lost…  “7” is probably a better choice because of location on the keypad, but I’m not volunteering to have a discussion with the deaf on why their relay service was discontinued.


In conclusion, “9” was a terrible choice simply because 911 is a line dedicated for emergencies.  The emergencies that go through their switchboards should never be delayed because of juvenile mischief or ill-timed mucus.  Really – What was the Business World Thinking?



What could have been…

Bob McFlurry with Sports:

Outrageous Vertical Leaping
Outrageous Vertical Leaping

The year is 1985, there was not a more dominant high school basketball player in the country.  Scott Howard a 5 foot 4 inch 17 year old High School student averaged a quadruple double that year, a feat never before done at any level of Basketball.  High School  coach Bobby Finstock called “The Wolf”, “The best player he had ever seen. Period.”.  Though not without some controversy.

A still unknown genetic defect gives Scott the power of a Werewolf and he transferred those increases in strength, speed and endurance to the basketball court.  After leading the Beavers to a District Championship, Howard accepted a scholarship to play Basketball at Major University.

Howard played point guard for two seasons at Major U and led the nation in scoring, rebounds, assists , steals and blocks.  After his sophomore season Howard declared himself eligible of the draft.  Ultimately David Stern did not allow Howard to join the NBA ranks due to the Wolf persona and doubts about Genetic Engineering and possibly Howard’s steroid use.  Howard was in the process of appealing Sterns decision when Howard fell off the top of a van while going 30 miles an hour, a stunt known as “Van Surfing”, the Wolf was known to do on a routine basis.  Howard suffered both shattered ankles and legs while he and friend Rupert ‘Stiles’ Stilinski were arrested for DUI, public drunkenness and reckless endangerment.

The injuries effectively ended Scott Howard’s athletic career, even though he had super human healing abilities.

Could you imagine Scott Howard in the NBA?  He would have been drafted in 1986 (#1 overall presumably) and given the proper surrounding cast, probably would have given Michael Jordan a run for his money in terms of Championships.   A Wolf Man that can shoot, jump, rebound and block shots…. What could have been.


By: Billy BeerSlugger

So for a while now you’ve probably heard about women shaving their girlie regions and getting Brazilian Waxes.  By my estimation it really caught on in the late 90’s and early 2000’s.  Shows like Sex and the City introduced many women young and cougar to these concepts.

The male version of getting rid of pubic hair has been given the term “Manscaping”.  Though Manscaping can also refer to the grooming of hair on the chest and back as well.

While many women and men use a razor to get rid of pubes, I choose to use my beard trimmer.  I find no reason to go near my gigglebits with sharp objects like razors.  The beard trimmer gets as close as I deem necessary without fear of cutting myself.

Manscaping, it has been reasoned, gives the illusion of a larger package as well.  Like the insanely innapropriate Gillete commercial below, “Trimming the underbrush makes the tree look bigger”.

One guy who probably wished he did some manscaping was a friend of mine during his Bachelor Party weekend.  We had him whipped on stage at a Gentlemans Club in Montreal and the strippers proceeded to strip him of all his clothing (and dignity).  So there he is on stage, naked and the strippers are abusing his ass with whips, meanwhile the man was hiding a forest beneath his underwear.  A flaccid member usually isnt known for impressing people but a flaccid member hidden by 3 inches of pubes just makes you look like your hung like a hamster.  And spare me the gay phobic statements, if your friend is naked on stage with strippers beating him unmercifully, you are going watch, it was a train wreck and completely hilarious.

So how do you guys do your manscaping, Razor, Beard-Trimmer?  Do you get waxed by a 40+ year old Russian Woman?