By: Billy Beerslugger
Sitting currently at 18th and Arch is a parking lot. I know because I’ve thrown up there. Some people have pretty big plans for this parking lot. Developers have proposed a skyscaper which would be the 3rd tallest building in the United States according to their website.
The American Commerce Building would be 1,500ft high toping the Comcast Building by about 500ft. It will boast a restaurant, 26-story hotel, three to six stories of street-accessible retail, two roof gardens and a 63-story office tower. The observation deck would be the tallest in the city and probably where Police Commissioner Gordon will put the Bat Signal.
On Decemer 11th 2008 city council approved zoning changes that will allow the developers to start construction as early as Spring of this year.
I ‘m Mc’Lovin all the huge ass buildings going up all over the city. Reminds of Sim City 2000 when all your commercial zones start popping up skyscrapers all over the place and the city is officially major.
If Philadelphia was a playable scenario in Sim City 2000, what would your first move be?
Check out the Image Gallery on their website, the place looks pretty awesome.
i played the original SimCity in the 90’s and until now i still play the latest version of SimCity.–